im not a big gamer but like retro games, theyre nice, simple(sometimes) and runs great on my potato.

but i feel like i keep losing interest for some reason. it might just be because its not my thing but im too stubborn to accept it.

i have free time, a controller, know how to use an emulator and really wanna play the game.

im playing(ive been on hiatus for over a month) zelda a minish cap and my save got accident deleted permanently and had to restart.

i plan on playing, chrono trigger, zelda ocarina of time, starfox and simillar games.

do you have any “gateway” game i should play first or some other advice?

tl;dr i wanna play retro but keep losing interest. what is easy to get into or bits of advice?

sorry for so much text btw thnks

    1 year ago

    Mega Man 2 has the most banger soundtrack.

    Oh, and you might like Bit Brigade.

    They have several Mega Man 2 shows online. One of the other shows might have better audio, but this one’s pretty good. They play the sound track while a speed runner plays the game. Their shows are awesome in person!

    There’s a studio album you can buy.