Reddit shares opened up about 38 percent on Thursday in their first day of trading, in a sign of investor eagerness that set the stage for more tech companies to reach the stock market this year.
Archive link: Reddit Opens Up 38%, as Shares Begin Trading
What tech?? And eagerness for more? This feels like it will become a pump and dump.
Edit, addition: Why does The New York Times seem eager to suck Reddit’s dick. What the hell??
It’s about to close even on the day. It pumped at open, then dumped until close. Should continue to dump for a while, so buy puts.
Its 50% up i just saw. But give it a few days and the thing will crash. Pump and dump. Old investors want there money back they already put in years ago, as soon as they got that… gone…
50% from what? It’s the first day. It opened at $47 and it’s at $50.16, at close. That’s not 50%.
IPO price was $34.
I opend my ticker app it says +50% didnt bother to look any further. That stock is just as full of air as trump
Oh i just checked they use 34$ as start price
So weird. TradingView shows $47 at open, a high of $57.80 and a low of $45.05.
I think they or this ticker includes the pre buyin stocks price that “loyal” reddit users could buy So that 50% up from that close not today or somehing.
Time to buy some puts