The family of Kaylee Gain, a Missouri girl who was critically injured during a fight 10 days ago near a St. Louis high school, said Monday she has suffered a fractured skull and hasn’t regained consciousness.
“The full scope and extent of Kaylee’s injuries and prognosis for recovery cannot be determined until, with God’s grace, she regains consciousness,” attorney Bryan Kaemmerer, a spokesperson for Gain’s family, said in a statement.
Video shows the 16-year-old was punched during an altercation near Hazelwood East High School on March 8.
Gain can be seen in the video getting thrown to the ground and punched in the head by another teen girl. The video also shows her getting her head slammed ont
Well Nex was different, Christianity teaches people to murder the LGBT. This was a personal issue. Bit different shooting up an abortion clinic vs shooting up a nightclub
Nex was different in that it was a suicide by mixing medications. Christianity teaches that suicide is wrong, so you can’t really blame that for this one.
And who drove her to suicide? You are basically using the states right civil war argument now.
Let’s ask the NT what it says about the LGBT
Christianity creates the intolerant atmosphere and then absolves itself for the violent attacks carried out in its name.
I think we can.