Taken from the CompTIA IT Fundamentals Exam Guide book (2nd edition, published 2021). I’m not sure if they fixed this in newer versions, if at all.
Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Niki Lauda told us ‘take a monkey, place him into the chair and he is able to use the computer.’ Thirty years later, Sebastian told us ‘I had to start my computer like an F1 car, it’s very complicated.’ And Nico Rosberg said that during the compile – I don’t remember what compile – he pressed the wrong button on the keyboard. Question for you both: is Linux today too complicated with twenty and more buttons on the keyboard , are you too much under effort, under pressure? What are your wishes for the future concerning the technical programme during the development? Less buttons, more? Or less and more communication with Torvalds?
Here’s some more excerpts from the book that I found amusing:
As you learned in Chapter 1, Linux is an open source operating system, meaning that anyone can download and modify it. Open source operating systems can benefit from improvements contributed by thousands of programmers. Some people choose open source operating systems out of an anti-establishment spirit; others choose them as a practical matter because they are free.
“Anti-establishment” isn’t the word I’d use, but I guess that fits.
One of the most popular distros for casual users, Ubuntu, comes with a DE called Unity (shown in Figure 5-16)
That hasn’t been true since 2017.
Be suspicious of free apps. In the best-case scenario, the app does what it says but installs ads or other software. In the worst-case scenario, the free app is, or contains, malware that might steal personal information from your device, encrypt your data files and demand a ransom for decryption, or monitor your device usage. Installing an app sometimes asks for specific permissions that the app will use. Be selective in allowing app privileges to items such as contact lists, GPS location, e-mail messages, and so on.
Okay, I’ll admit this is good advice if we’re talking about “freeware”, but there’s also free/libre/open-source software, which has all of the benefits of freeware, and also gives you the freedom to read/mofify/share the source code, if you wish.
As for that “malware” you speak of, you might as well be describing Google Chrome.
No media player supports all formats, so it’s important to find one that supports the formats of the clips you want to play.
Clearly, these people haven’t heard of VLC.
Codec is short for “compressor-decompressor”
It actually stands for “coder/decoder”.
And that’s just one page…
Paid apps can also steal user data and also I’d be way way more concerned about ‘free’ mobile apps than open source programs.
Mobile apps can and will get a jarring amount of your data just for being installed.
CompTIA is a scam. No job that’s worth a shit will require it.
Not disagreeing about it being a scam but the government uses Sec+ as an IAT level 2 requirement. Helps meet some contract requirements.
In an alternate universe the sentence reads ‘GNU is not UNIX’ and leaves it at that.
id like to interject for a moment. what your referring to as gnu, is actually linux/gnu, or as ive taken to calling it, linux + gnu
So much to unpack here.
GNU is not a Linux variant. It is a set of programs and shared libraries.
ISO 9660 has nothing to do with compression. Just calling it ISO isn’t a good idea for an intro class like that because it is a set of MANY standards. They should have put a little side blurb and called it ISO 9660 in the table.
tar is an archive tool. It has no compression.
Why no mention of compression algorithms algorithms vs archive tools?
Why not have different compression algorithms and their tradeoffs?
ETA: jar files are just zip files for Java libs/programs. You can open them with zip file tools.
That line implying 7zip and 7z are different formats has just been pulled out of the air too
There actually is a compression format that used .jar as an extension, a would-be successor to .arj. It’s quite archaic though, and God help you if you find one in the wild at this point.
I mean, it’s technically correct? The G does stand for GNU, and GNU tools can be used to build Linux. It is indeed worded very badly.
No basically all Linux uses gnu Coreurils as a foundation and is therefore best called gnu+Linux. There’s a great RMS rant about this , it’s what the title is referring to.
They should make a new version of Linux From Scratch where all you get is the Linux kernel source code and you write the compiler and core utils yourself. Now that would be Linux.
And the next time RMS invent Linux, he can call it whatever he wants.
No, that’s a big confusion.
I hate the RMS rant about how you’re supposed to say “GNU/Linux”, but here we’re talking about a GNU package that can be used without Linux. It’s on FreeBSD and even macOS.
This is why I never bothered formally learning anything computer-related in school.
This sent me into full-body convulsions. How could you do this to me
Sorry CompTIa is fucking garbage. In all my years at faangs, startups, Silicon Valley ycombinators, mid west tech, have I ever hired or worked with someone who has comptia certs.
Is it a good start to level 1 help desk at a hospital? Maybe. But I feel like it’s a fucking scheme where the time to learn any language instead would make you leagues better. Or study and get Cisco certs instead for neteng.
I’ll add it’s not that I chose not to hire CompTIa cert people. But I think in my 15 years I have never seen one come across the desk. The only time I saw it on a resume was level 1 help desk at a shop that thought Windows ME was the best release at the time and should be used in all rural hospitals and it was 2006 and anything beyond it was full of bloatware.
His company went bankrupt. Fuck you Arco
When I had to learn Novell NetWare the textbook we received was just as bad and the instructor didn’t have a clue either. Because internet wasn’t exactly widely available for information like this then, we wrote a DOS batch file that discarded our input and miniced the output of the client for the practical exam. We all passed.