1 calorie is interchangeable for approximately 4.1868 joules. Therefore, assuming his math was correct (many say it was not), I’m coming up with 2,687,016,337 calories needed. According to google, sourcing from the USDA, your average peanut butter sandwich has 384 calories. Therefore you’d be expending approximately 6,997,438 peanut butter sandwiches worth of energy to punt the ungrateful little shit into the sun.
I was really hoping he was going to convert the amount of energy needed into calories, then from calories into peanuts butter sandwiches
1 calorie is interchangeable for approximately 4.1868 joules. Therefore, assuming his math was correct (many say it was not), I’m coming up with 2,687,016,337 calories needed. According to google, sourcing from the USDA, your average peanut butter sandwich has 384 calories. Therefore you’d be expending approximately 6,997,438 peanut butter sandwiches worth of energy to punt the ungrateful little shit into the sun.
In the US, the calorie used in nutrition data is actually a kilo calorie.