All the bullshit he’s done and it’s trinkets that might do it.
Because thats what gets his followers. 700+k deaths of covid and the motherfucker don’t bother to answer Pfizer? Cool, vaccines are fake anyway. Try to create doubt about our election process? Neat, the most secure voting machine is hard to trust. Try a coup? Nice, communism ghost and all. Have his fingerprints all over some murders, old and new? Hi didn’t know he was living wall to wall to murders. Hate speech? He speaks as a jest.
But theft? Yeah… How can a justice paladin be so enloved with what shines?
Can play dumb when its a low crime. Rot in some cell, fucker.
You’re way overthinking it. He and his followers are hardcore capitalists, and to them, property crimes are the worst kind of crime you can commit.
Beeing a historian AND Brazilian, I’ve been overthinking this scum for the past years :(
Eh, end result is the same, he can’t get re-elected. Which to me is more than enough.
They got Capone on tax evasion
Wow, he really does want to be Trump