14 billions for Israel, 100 millions for Palestine… That’s a 140 ratio. Who’s the distressed population Joe?
Biden is gonna get slaughtered in November. It might even be the final nail in the coffin for American democracy. All because Joe here couldn’t not enthusiastically fund a genocide occurring in plain sight.
All because Joe here couldn’t not enthusiastically fund a genocide occurring in plain sight.
Absolving Republicans of all their nasty anti-democratic behavior is disgusting. Anyone voting for Trump is actively pursuing the downfall of America. Anyone who doesn’t vote at all deserves the blame too.
I haven’t seen a single leftist say they’re going to vote for Trump but I’ve seen like 100,000 liberals saying enabling genocide isn’t a big issue and to vote blue no matter who. Maybe stop nagging leftists and start doing the bare fucking minimum to appeal to voters who don’t like actual fucking genocide.
Genocide is a big deal but what the fuck is not voting going to do to fix it? If anything, trump will give Israel more shit and also dismantle US democracy whole he’s at it
No one on the left is voting for Trump! We all know what happens to leftists under fascism. Read the “First they came…” poem. We’re fucking first.
I am saying to stop nagging leftists and start focusing on suburban moms or whomever. Leftists upset about mass slaughter are never why Democrats lose. It’s people upset about grocery bills and shit like that.
There’s not a single literate leftist who doesn’t understand that centrists will ultimately sell us out to make a deal with the devil that is fascism. That’s how it’s gone in every country where fascism took hold. It’s part of the process and we know we’ll have to be the resistance.
No one even expect centrists to do the right thing when push comes to shove. But quit nagging leftists on the way. We’re really not the problem in this situation.
“We are fucking first” when talking about voting for a man who literally funds genocide with billions of dollars. Amazing. The “first” you are talking about are the Palestinians. It’s obvious that the US politicians don’t give a fuck and would rather see them killed.
And the reason Hamas in in power in Palestine is because Bibi was so afraid of the leftwing alternative that he funded Hamas himself to take them down. So yes, they come for the left first.
If anything, trump will give Israel more shit and also dismantle US democracy whole he’s at it
Why are you so sure about that? Isn’t Trump Putin’s puppet? Doesn’t Putin support Hamas?
Why would Trump go against the wishes of his puppetmaster, Putin?
Nobody is absolving the Republicans of being evil little shits. We just aren’t going to stand for Biden following them down that road.
Careful, any criticism of biden automatically makes you a trump supporter.
That’s how tribalism works.
Oh I know. I’ve been on the receiving end of “(insert noun) sympathizer” many a time.
I’d say anyone who supports Trump or Biden is actively pursuing the downfall of America.
They’re both just looking out for different rich people.
What democracy? The majority have been asking for a ceasefire for months. Both parties act against the will of the people. Let it fall.
I’m all for allowing the US ruling class’s system to fail, but we need to be careful what form we “allow” that fall to take.
There are a lot of very vulnerable people we need to consider before calling for a complete collapse of the fed through the installation of a wanna-be dictator.
Eventually backing the Dems will backfire. Look at a few things Biden as done in his term. They are becoming more and more right-wing every election.
- Agreed to Republican border plan
- Funds genocide and white supremacy
- Didn’t bring back Abortion rights
- Black kids still getting shot by police
- Housing still expensive
- Food still expensive
Either vote third party or Trump’s America becomes real (even if it takes a future Democrat or Republican to do it).
Vote for progressives in the primaries. Voting third party does nothing but help speed toward fascism. Our first past the post elections make voting for third parties cause the person you least want to win.
How are we not already on that path? The young people are even starting to give up. The job market is garbage, houses are unaffordable, health care is getting worse. When did all of you let the media trick you into not voting for a better future? It’s not like all negative human traits will cease to be the moment Trump dies…
What’s better? Being on a path to a brick wall while going 60mph or being on that path while going 10mph? One gives you a pretty good opportunity to swerve and avoid slamming into the wall.
The job market outside of tech is largely fine (I can very much vouch for how shitty it still is in that sector) and is better than it has historically been. Housing is indeed unaffordable and local efforts clearly are not cutting it. I grew up in a time when insurance companies could simply stop paying for your Healthcare because you reached the lifetime maximum coverage. They could also refuse to give you coverage if you had a pre-existing condition. That forced many people to stay stuck in the same job for fear that a major health issue you or a family member had would make you ineligible for future coverage. We are at the highest level of insurance coverage we have ever had at the moment. It can certainly be better by simply having Medicare for All but that is still some progress at least.
When voting, you vote for the best possible future. Someone from the Green Party has zero chance (Jill Stein also sucks) so you vote for the possible candidate that is closest to a party like that. There are at least starting to be some changes in voting since Maine and Alaska switched to ranked choice voting. My city also just switched to ranked choice. I know progress can seem horribly slow because it is but quick, large changes often lead to large reactionary responses which also often lead to authoritarianism.
I can list you a host of institutional changes that I would love to see happen that will make what you want possible. For instance, we need to at least double the size of the House and states need to implement proportional representation. That would make voting for a third party candidate actually carry some weight. We obviously also need to make the electoral college worthless by more states passing the National Popular Vote so that no candidate with less that does not have the most votes can win. That is only a start of course because we then need to get rid of the electoral college (difficult since it requires an amendment) and have talked choice nationally.
Said 150 million Americans
Yeah. It’s painfully obvious when the US’ ruling class clashes with its servant class.
They just keep pushing and expect us to roll over and take it. Unfortunately, a lot of us are proud to do just that. I don’t take those people seriously, anymore.
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Right after the UNRWA accusations turn out to be false.
And israel tortured UNRWA employees into making false confessions.
Fuck Biden.
Too many pro Israel people in Bidens government.
Such as Biden himself.
It’s the American government, period. Jewish people contribute millions in lobbies and bribes.
Biden ignoring his own intelligence agencies for foreign propaganda.
I thought that was just a trump thing. But nope.
It’s a US politics thing. Everyone that sets foot in the White House has to play ball, they just don’t know it until they get there. It would’ve been interesting to see Bernie react to the reality of things in the highest office, but that’s probably exactly why they never let him in.
Bernie is the only US politician that actually fights for the common man. And the only reason I think he’s still a politician is because he’s got the support of enough people behind him that America’s oligarchy can’t stop him from at least holding some official positions of power and decision making. But I don’t ever see him being president of this nation, and at his age, it’s likely too late now.
You act like biden is forced to be shitty. I dont believe that, hes just shitty. If bernie ever won i do not believe he would cave to such idiotic ideas.
I think your mindset is a little too naive nowadays, especially seeing what both Biden and Obama have been capable of once in office. Very idealistic before getting there, but it must be a hell of a load on their shoulders with no real right answer to many things, based on factors we might not even be aware of. I agree that Bernie might fight back harder, and that’s exactly why I said the easiest solution is for them to not even give him the chance.
Bidens new memoir “How to lose votes and alienate muslims” coming to a store near you soon.
Why are we giving $14b to one of the wealthiest nations in existence?
I’m never voting for an establishment democrat again. I don’t care what the tribalists think. They don’t want to solve these problems, just perpetuate them.
GG american politics, enjoy the orange fuhrer I guess…