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Grass really, really depends on location and climate. I literally never water or fertilize my lawn; it looks fine.
The worse thing here is ecological. I keep my mower set to 4", and keep my lawn a bit longer than my neighbors. I see a ton of fire flies in my yard in the summer, and see a fraction as many in my neighbors yard.
Short lawns are terrible habitat, which makes them good for sports or a children’s play area. But 80% of my neighbor’s lawn is just aesthetic, which is something I really don’t get. Lawns are about as visually exciting as a beige wall. They’re a waste of space.
You can use native grasses and there’s no need to cut them more than like once or twice a year. There’s nothing bad about grass! It grows in the wild as well. Lawns are hell though.
Imagine living in an area where grass grows everywhere and the only difference between your lawn amd the surrounding area is the grass height.
There are usually some ground cover plants that will do very well in most climates without watering. The clover is one example for temperate climates.
Roses and their cultivation spread from the Mid East into China, Egypt, Greece etc. thousands of years ago, pretty ignorant to blame it all on European colonialism.
That is terrifying, thank you
My brother in botany, this is Lemmy. If you take a hard shit someone will blame it on western imperialism.
That’s not how this meme template works at all.
THANK YOU. It’s about supportive community not about some dude blogging about flower preferences
Well, the original meme isn’t using those individual pictures in a way they were intended to be used either. Things change.
On Lemmy, it’s legitimately hard to tell if this is supposed to be satire.
It’s not, grow wildflowers not lawns. Your bees and soil will thank you
What I find funny is that at least one of the three big guys is roided up. Probably two of them, though the last guy could possibly just be a competitive bodybuilder on a harsh cut cycle.
Middle guy though? Roids. No doubt about it if you spend enough time in gyms with guys that are pushing to get bigger. There’s a look to the mass you get that way that’s distinctive.
Hell, first big guy could be just starting to use as fast as that goes.
What’s wrong with that? Bodily autonomy is a thing, and there’s nothing wrong with you using roids for you