Totally selected the wrong meme for the old title, but here we are.
I actually really like this. I suffer heavily from Imposter Syndrom, and one of the biggest realizations I had was that my new project manager manages to keep his job despite being absolutely horrible at it.
The one previous to him was worse.
Allegedly the only way to get rid of imposter syndrome is to just… do your work/stuff until it goes away.
I’ve been at the same job for 9 years, but I don’t feel any more capable than at the start. I still have no idea what I’m doing while being sure others are constantly judging me. Any day my manager will take me apart to put me on a PIP or outright fire me. I’ve “known” this for years, and I’m as convinced as ever that it will happen eventually, soon even.
Yeah, I’m not sure if it ever goes away… I recently got invited to sit on the national licensing board for my field. I’m literally helping make the test to see if you’re an imposter, and I still feel like an imposter.
You are in the perfect position to help your brothers out!
This makes me think of those who design the US immigration forms.
“Are you coming here to commit crimes?”
( ) Yes ( ) No
I would, but now there’s free LLM’s that can do what I do literally for free and 1000x faster.
Past that, I have no marketable skills that a modern LLM doesn’t also have, and better. I very much doubt I’m alone in this. Between now and say, two to five years tops, my employers will know it too.
File LLMs under “confidently doing it wrong”. They don’t know anything, they just parrot what was scraped off the internet
Not disagreeing, but what does that help the thousands who will still lose their jobs regardless?
Jokes on you, OP’s job is parroting things that were scraped off the internet!
Yeah, but when I do it it’s funny because it’s a reference
Funnily enough, that’s also what a large portion of people do too, just regurgitate stuff without comprehending its meaning.
Lots of people get
phdsmasters and bachelors while just being able to answer textbook questions, start questioning them to get them to apply that knowledge and it’s just air. It’s literally what people call “book smart” vs “street smart”.start questioning them to get them to apply that knowledge
That’s literally what people do to get a PhD, they defend their thesis by answering a bunch of questions from professors about it. That’s the point of a PhD.
It has nothing to do with “street smarts” unless the degree is from the “School of Hard Knocks”.
Sorry maybe not phds specifically, but masters and bachelors definitely. Lots of certificates and qualifications require just written tests, no practical testing.
Ok, but you specifically said “PhD”. Your comment sounds like you just don’t know what a doctorate is.
And I made a mistake, it happens and I even admitted it and provided the proper examples.
Very few qualifications require practical testing, if you want to circle a discussion on the one I made a mistake on in choosing that’s on you.
Ok, but you said “lots of people get PhDs” without being able to defend their ideas. It’s literally the opposite.
No one gets a PhD without being able to defend their ideas from very hard questions. You are 100% incorrect. Your dissertation defense did not go well and we cannot award you the degree of “Doctorate of Commenting”.
I knew plenty of people that also do just that
What’s an LLM?
Learned language model- it’s the technical term for things like ChatGPT or bing search. They basically predict what comes next in a form of advanced auto-completion.
We never needed LLMs to do that computationally.
As I get older I think I get less confident in others faster than I get more confident in myself.
Me too. Feels shit doesn’t it?
It’s pretty freeing to realize that most people have no idea what’s going on and that includes who you may perceive is at a high level. (Almost) Everyone has to report to someone and once you get past three levels from the top, it’s like playing a game of telephone where the people at the top start with gibberish in the first place.
Do your best, learn every day (or don’t), and don’t be so hard on yourself. Nobody has any idea what’s going on.
Everyone has to answer to someone.
Underlings to their managers, managers to senior management, senior management to C-suite, CEO has to answer to the board and shareholders.
This is just describing the last owner of our house.
Lol, my wife and I are having to deal with a retaining wall built in the 70s and left to rot. It was a cheap-ass railroad tie and wood retaining wall and if it’s not fixed, our house will slide off a hill.
$170k to fix… When I said lol earlier, I meant I want to cry.
Holy fuck, we have a railroad tie retaining wall for the bank in our back yard, but that’s keeping the bank from sliding towards the house, not for keeping the house up, and still, it’s not even holding much back. I’d never trust that for anything critical. No way that would ever be approved today.
They’re literally not approved by state ordinances anymore. And the previous 30 years of owners just completely neglected it. The soil erosion is so bad and it’s a shame because we can see the remnants of what used to be a beautiful backyard.
We thought the fix would be closer to 50k when we bought it, which would have been mostly paid for by our previous house sale. But here we are with an entire house worth of repairs in our lap…
Damn, that’s insanely expensive. I had an old railroad tie retaining wall I had to replace about 10 years ago. Quoted 8-10k to replace it with blocks. I did it myself for about $1,500 but it really sucked, and mine was just holding up part of the lawn. Good luck!
Brother, did you and I buy a home from the same family?
Saying things confidently incorrect is like my whole identity.
I will make sure to watch out for your other comments on this site ☠
I see your Unicode skull and raise to one Unicode alembic ⚗
Nice, preemptive block incoming. <3
You said that fairly confidently… do I believe you or not?
What if I’m indeed mediocre at the thing and this only encourages to believe in my self inflated ego and carry on like normal?
Yes, but do you have plans to do it better and/or are you getting paid?
I was really on board until the last sentence basically perpetuated the same issue 😅 They think they’re believing in their own excellence. Rather, admit your flaws and accept them because that’s okay. Try your best to do better everyday.
I am sure the people she is denegrating are comforting themselves even now, imagining she is talking to them.
Man I really used to rinse people when I was young.
Hey look, it’s the Dunning-Krueger effect!