Are there Linux Youtubers whose content is targeted not necessarily for those who are deeply interested in linux (even at beginner level) and foss’s news, but for those who use linux for daily basis, like for viewer’s study or their work?

LIke for example how to use LibreOffice / OpenOffice as Office’s suite alternatives, or how to use those networking software you learn on high school but on linux (or linux alternaives), how to game on linux, and they don’t use Window Manager but instead use Desktop Environment for the sake of familiarity.

I might be missing out on some people but if there isn’t one that already did this type of content I want to consider being that youtuber myself

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    I think most Linux channels sprinkle in this kind of content every now and then, but I don’t know any that makes it a big focus. They pretty much all cover a mix of news, reviews, unpackings, discussions, tutorials, and so on. The most “Normie” channels I know are probably The Linux Experiment and InfinitelyGalactic.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    I religiously watch Michael The Frugal Computer Guy for a few years. He is really starting from the bare basics like exploring grep flags but also has detailed tutorials on LibreOffice programs. He has very specific style of videos but they are most useful.

  • Bobby Turkalino
    24 months ago

    Explaining Computers is kinda close to what you want. He mainly focuses on using Raspberry Pis and other SBCs as everyday computers, and these devices typically run Linux.

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    I think you have found a nieche to fill. Problem is when you don’t really deep dive the topics or it is strictly educational, you might get bored if you are a somewhat technical person, that is not a great recipe for a YouTube channel. You will probably also have to remake the videos as software gets updated.

    Also most viewers är linux nerds. The average person don’t spend all day at a computer at work just to go home and ‘work’ more by spending time watching a videos on how to work more. That means you should probably target companies and organizations directly with your content, that could be a hard sell if you expect to make an income.

    With all that said, I like the idea and even if you only make a few videos you will probably learn alot, try it and see how you like it!

  • @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    I still think these channels are very technical. Using jorgon that is completely foreign to someone just strictly using their computer to get work done. I am pretty deep into the different topics and even I had have to look up what they talk about.