Chelsea - Post - Rooster Teeth
roosterteeth.comDear Rooster Teeth Community,
Over the years at Rooster Teeth, we aim to be direct in sharing news as it happens. It is with an extremely heavy heart that this morning during our company All Hands meeting, a very important announcement was made. We are grateful for our audience, our fans, and our community’s support during this challenging time. As has been shared in other places, and sent to press and our internal staff, a copy of the memo sent from the General Manager of Rooster Teeth, Jordan Levin is shared with you all below.
Please remember something as you begin to read the below message and DEFINITELY before you comment. We, all of us who work at Rooster Teeth, are processing this in real time just like you. Please be mindful that this is on the Rooster Teeth website, a place where staff read, interact, and engage with each other and with you. If you have questions, begin to leave them here - and thank you for your patience. Continued updates will be posted here, on RoosterTeeth.com, but you can also reach out and submit questions or feelings to our Support Page(https://support.roosterteeth.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) or comments on this post. We will be hosting a livestream tomorrow, March 7, 2024 on RoosterTeeth.com talking about this more.
---- Jordan's Memo Below ----
Dear Rooster Teeth,
Since our founders created and uploaded their first video on the then-called World Wide Web in 2003, Rooster Teeth has been a source of creativity, laughter, and lasting innovation in the wildly volatile media industry.
We’ve read the headlines about industry-wide layoffs and closures, and you’ve heard me give my perspective and updates on the rapidly changing state of media and entertainment during each of our monthly All Hands meetings.
Since inheriting ownership and control of Rooster Teeth from AT&T following its acquisition of TimeWarner, Warner Bros. Discovery continued its investment in our company, content and community. Now however, it’s with a heavy heart I announce that Rooster Teeth is shutting down due to challenges facing digital media resulting from fundamental shifts in consumer behavior and monetization across platforms, advertising, and patronage.
Please note, the Roost team is not currently impacted by this action as the Roost Podcast Network will continue operating and fulfilling its obligations while WBD evaluates outside interest in acquiring this growing asset.
We have many questions to answer in the coming days and weeks, and the opportunity to work together to implement the best way to wind things down for us and our community. We’re working through what comes next in real time, and we will be as open, direct, and accessible as possible. Thank you all in advance for your patience and support of one another.
Let's take a moment to celebrate our 21-year contribution to the zeitgeist, advancing creativity and outlasting many of our peers from the early days of online video and digital-first content.
From a garage in Buda, TX, to global screens large and small, our teams of dreamers and doers have introduced and grown what made Rooster Teeth stand out: animation, comedy, and gaming. From new forms of animated comedy with machinima to countless viral memes, including the Immortal Snail (aka Snail Assassin), to a US-born animated series embraced by Japan as anime, and record-breaking (at the time) crowdfunded movies. You've accomplished so much and made dreams come true here. You've turned original IP into video games, comic books, and VTubers. You've directed short videos, mo-cap, and films. You've puppeteered, hosted podcasts, and have built a thriving community that spans the globe. Your creativity knows no bounds, and you'll continue contributing significantly to culture wherever your paths may take you.
Despite passing through many corporate owners, Rooster Teeth transcended a media business and was a dynamic movement that shaped the bond between communities, creators, and storytelling. Our founders didn’t have a blueprint for a media empire, but they got close to building one alongside a community that fueled its remarkable growth. In its earliest days, RT relied on community sponsorship through time, dollars, and unwavering passion. Volunteers evolved into staff, and the snowball effect grew, resulting in new relationships, marriages, births, and shared experiences that have changed lives.
Our approach to content creation on emerging platforms paved the way for new media models. We inspired generations of creators across streaming, machinima, animation, let’s plays, merch drops, touring, podcasting, and more. Companies like GameStop, YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, and TikTok asked us to collaborate with them in their earliest days because we set a standard for what a digital-first brand could be. We boldly took our content beyond screens and into community-driven experiences.
Every story reaches its final pages. Rooster Teeth’s closure isn’t merely an end; it reflects broader business dynamics. Monetization shifts, platform algorithms, advertising challenges, and the ebb and flow of patronage—all these converging factors have led to many closures in the industry. While we learn about updates on programming day by day, we will share our plans for shows, franchises, partnerships, and merch soon and share those updates with teams internally and with the community on RoosterTeeth.com
Though not intentional, It’s only appropriate that our last season of “Red vs. Blue” coincides with us navigating this closure together. Our legacy is not just a collection of content but a history of pixels burned into our screens, minds, and hearts. Rooster Teeth has made an indelible mark on the media industry, and we should be so proud of the countless ways we pioneered a business connecting creators and content with a dedicated community.
With respect, gratitude, and sincere appreciation,
Jordan Levin
After 21 years Rooster Teeth is being shut down by Warner Bros. Discovery, it’s parent company. I wasn’t too into their work except for Red vs. Blue in my college days but its a shame.
Damn really been enjoying FH recently, hopefully they continue in some form after this.