Knowing Dommes that would work for some but you better at least be able to demonstrate a decent capacity in some stem branch. Engineering is a mixed bag because it’s great for degradation scenes but it is often a yellow flag
I’m being tongue in cheek as I’m an engineer myself, but there is a certain type of person who is overrepresented in the career and leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths for us. These people are firmly camped at mount stupid on most topics, generally show poor social skills, and in general are not fun to be around. There’s also a misogyny problem within the career that many women have picked up on
It might, but that’s ok. I’m married to a Domme myself, dating another, and have been flirting with a third (everyone knows about all of it). The trick is that I’m involved in my local community, treat dominant women like people, and am fun to be around. Bring an attractive woman helps I’m sure, but I’ve met unattractive men in similar situations so it’s probably not just that
Knowing Dommes that would work for some but you better at least be able to demonstrate a decent capacity in some stem branch. Engineering is a mixed bag because it’s great for degradation scenes but it is often a yellow flag
Degradation scenes? Wtf is that?
What do you mean by yellow flag?
I’m being tongue in cheek as I’m an engineer myself, but there is a certain type of person who is overrepresented in the career and leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths for us. These people are firmly camped at mount stupid on most topics, generally show poor social skills, and in general are not fun to be around. There’s also a misogyny problem within the career that many women have picked up on
Oof I got really worried I was camping at the peak myself just now, but then I saw the examples given and feel a bit better haha.
Hopefully being kind, open minded, and loving dominant woman doesn’t make us a minority, as a fellow engineer.
Cheers, thanks for the explanation.
It might, but that’s ok. I’m married to a Domme myself, dating another, and have been flirting with a third (everyone knows about all of it). The trick is that I’m involved in my local community, treat dominant women like people, and am fun to be around. Bring an attractive woman helps I’m sure, but I’ve met unattractive men in similar situations so it’s probably not just that