- China is one of the world’s most unaffordable places to raise a child, a Beijing think tank says.
- The cost of raising a child compared to GDP per capita is 6.3 times in China, but 4.11 in the US, it said.
- The cost of raising a child is sinking China’s already falling birth rate, the researchers said.
China has a falling birth rate.
Russia has a falling birth rate.
China has a surplus of men.
Russia has a surplus of women.
Too bad they hate each other.
Good thing they hate each other
We don’t need more of either for war fodder
I meant too bad for them, but what you’re saying could (unfortunately) apply to a lot more countries than those two.
Yea true but those two stand out as top tier authoritarian states with warmongering aspirations
Give the U.S. a year.