Nex Benedict died one day after a fight in a school bathroom. Their mother Sue Benedict tells Bevan Hurley that the gender fluid teenager endured more than a year of abuse simply for being who they were
This isn’t “Christianity”. And that’s not to defend the religion, but it is just one head of this Hydra, not the core of the problem. People in power are using hate and fear in whatever medium they can to consolidate and increase that power, casualties be damned.
I was responding to a comment from someone else, and not from you…
But there’s a reason why the tool is always religion
If it’s always religion then it can’t be anything else, right? So that person was indirectly stating that’s the only tool, and I was pointing out that there’s multiple ways of manipulating others, besides religion.
Because people are just their books, and have no free will of their own.
Very well. In that case I want a citation. How did you determine the “right” way and why is everyone else wrong?
You point to me in the New Testament where Jesus himself advocates violence and harm, and then we can have a conversation.
I already did this in this thread. Come on some level of effort on your point. He does it repeatedly! He talks about how he will be the future king and his enemies will be butchered then sent to hell. He makes a woman beg at his feet while calling herself a racial slur before he helps her kid. He rebukes a man with leprosy for having leprosy. He tells people to give up all means of support and their own families just to follow him.
Very well. In that case I want a citation. How did you determine the “right” way and why is everyone else wrong?
You’re being intellectually dishonest to suggest that I’m saying everyone else is wrong, as the point I’m trying to make is not that at all, that you can’t judge a whole people based on what their religion is, as people have free will and follow there religion to their modern worldview, and see what are you with me not just what ancient text stated verbaten.
As far as how I determine what the right way is, I do it via The Golden Rule. Do onto to others, as you would have others do unto you. Basically, what Jesus taught at a summary level. Be kind of others, don’t harm them help where you can, etc.
And for the record, I’m not a Christian, just in case you think you’re arguing against one.
I would love to have a Christian scholar review what you’re saying, especially the quotes that you’re stating are coming from Jesus, for factuality.
As far as how I determine what the right way is, I do it via The Golden Rule. Do onto to others, as you would have others do unto you.
And the classic justification is torturing/murdering people was needed to save their souls which is what you would want.
Basically, what Jesus taught at a summary level. Be kind of others, don’t harm them help where you can, etc.
He didn’t teach that. He didn’t exist. The idea predates the Bible by over five centuries in India, via trade routes and scholar migration it entered into that part of the world. It seems to have entered into Judaism about 50 or so BCE where it was attributed to Rabbi Hillel who has some superficial resemblance to the Jesus of Matthew.
And for the record, I’m not a Christian, just in case you think you’re arguing against one.
Very well. Would you mind commiting blasphemy against the Holy Ghost for me? A non-christian should have no problem with the unforgivable sin of Christianity.
I would love to have a Christian scholar review what you’re saying, especially the quotes that you’re stating are coming from Jesus, for factuality.
The Bible is freely available online. Do your own work.
As far as how I determine what the right way is, I do it via The Golden Rule. Do onto to others, as you would have others do unto you.
How the fuck do you get from what was said above to what is said down below?..
And the classic justification is torturing/murdering people was needed to save their souls which is what you would want.
Because I want others to murder me right. Jesus Christ.
Okay dude, I tried, honestly, but I’m blocking you. You’re literally the first person I’ve ever blocked on Lemmy, but you’re just not worth talking to.
This is exactly Christianity. Their book tells them to act this way and their shamans have been screaming for this conduct for twenty centuries. Every single Christian I have dealt with is about one bad day away from doing this and why shouldn’t they? The have skydaddy telling them that they will be forgiven for everything and that it is a good thing to oppress the LGBT.
Again, I’m not defending the religion, just saying that blaming one thing here is missing the mountain of other contributing factors. If we erased christianity and every other religion you want gone from the world, the hate and fear would still be there, as would the people manipulating that to benefit themselves.
Great metaphor, actually, since cancer is most often caused or exacerbated by something else. But you’re still missing my point by a mile. Keeping going after the symptom rather than the sickness, I guess. I’m sure that’ll solve everything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to those who you are replying to, but are you sure those are even regular people you’re talking to, and not bots?
Either they’re very fanatical and can’t see outside of their box, or they’re being intellectually dishonest in how they respond to you, seeming to miss your point that’s being expressed very well and straightforward.
Eh, I don’t think so. People (understandably) hyper-focus on religion, and Christianity in particular, and the terrible things done under them, and it can be hard to get them to view the larger scope of the situation.
This is exactly Christianity. Their book tells them to act this way and their shamans have been screaming for this conduct for twenty centuries.
Granted, I missed Jesus’s sermon on the hill, but I’m sure I would have heard something about him okaying bullying and killing good people just because they’re different.
He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
then comes the end, when He hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.
The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand,
Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”’
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’
The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers, and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire
The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth
He is now the judge of a sinful world, and on His head is the crown of the sole ruler of earth. On His robe, dipped in blood, and on His thigh is written, “King of kings and Lord of lords,” and no one alive doesn’t tremble at the sight of Him.
You know, I’ve been noticing more and more that lemmy has a bunch of people who just fuckin hate religion straight up, edgy 2010’s reddit atheism style. I don’t necessarily disagree with a lot of their criticisms, but it has gotten kind of annoying seeing people attribute these clearly complex and incentive driven behaviors to something so broad, so old, and so vague.
It seems pretty obvious to me personally that conservatives have kind of given up on contesting civil rights and gay rights as a means to differentiate themselves from the other neoliberals, since those issues remain pretty deeply unpopular to contest, and are moving to this as sort of the next thing in their playbook, the next highest profile minority that they can easily lambast on nightly news. All while they try to roll back those other issues through every possible angle they might be able to work in local, state, and federal government.
That’s even a pretty big oversimplification of the issue, and the different forces involved, right, like it’s not really tied into why or how specifically they’re doing that, right, but it’s really stupid to even have that surface level understanding, and still bump up against people insisting that it’s more singularly some other driving, evil force. As though you couldn’t, were you to analyze christianity, split such a thing up into another whole litany of forces, another whole network of relations, causes and effects.
It says right in the Bible that being LGBT is a sin worthy of being sent to hell and that Jesus wants his enemies killed. Do you need me to quote chapter and verse?
Hey you know what? I fully admit I am an angry atheist. That means I say mean little things sometimes. You know what I don’t do? I don’t beat a trans kid to death inside a school bathroom, I don’t commit war crimes, and I dont descrate cultural sites.
You really want to both sides this? You really want to compare a few mean little comments to beating a child to death?
This isn’t “Christianity”. And that’s not to defend the religion, but it is just one head of this Hydra, not the core of the problem. People in power are using hate and fear in whatever medium they can to consolidate and increase that power, casualties be damned.
They all just happen to be religious by coincidence.
Religion is the tool, not the motive.
There are those that practice their faith the way it should be practiced, without causing harm to others.
And then there are others who want power, and will use the tool to manipulate others, to get that power.
But there’s a reason why the tool is always religion
You’d be foolish to think that that is the only tool available for people to manipulate others with.
No one is saying that it is.
I was responding to a comment from someone else, and not from you…
If it’s always religion then it can’t be anything else, right? So that person was indirectly stating that’s the only tool, and I was pointing out that there’s multiple ways of manipulating others, besides religion.
Tell me the Bible passage that says that.
Because people are just their books, and have no free will of their own.
You point to me in the New Testament where Jesus himself advocates violence and harm to innocents, and then we can have a conversation.
Very well. In that case I want a citation. How did you determine the “right” way and why is everyone else wrong?
I already did this in this thread. Come on some level of effort on your point. He does it repeatedly! He talks about how he will be the future king and his enemies will be butchered then sent to hell. He makes a woman beg at his feet while calling herself a racial slur before he helps her kid. He rebukes a man with leprosy for having leprosy. He tells people to give up all means of support and their own families just to follow him.
You’re being intellectually dishonest to suggest that I’m saying everyone else is wrong, as the point I’m trying to make is not that at all, that you can’t judge a whole people based on what their religion is, as people have free will and follow there religion to their modern worldview, and see what are you with me not just what ancient text stated verbaten.
As far as how I determine what the right way is, I do it via The Golden Rule. Do onto to others, as you would have others do unto you. Basically, what Jesus taught at a summary level. Be kind of others, don’t harm them help where you can, etc.
And for the record, I’m not a Christian, just in case you think you’re arguing against one.
I would love to have a Christian scholar review what you’re saying, especially the quotes that you’re stating are coming from Jesus, for factuality.
And the classic justification is torturing/murdering people was needed to save their souls which is what you would want.
He didn’t teach that. He didn’t exist. The idea predates the Bible by over five centuries in India, via trade routes and scholar migration it entered into that part of the world. It seems to have entered into Judaism about 50 or so BCE where it was attributed to Rabbi Hillel who has some superficial resemblance to the Jesus of Matthew.
Very well. Would you mind commiting blasphemy against the Holy Ghost for me? A non-christian should have no problem with the unforgivable sin of Christianity.
The Bible is freely available online. Do your own work.
How the fuck do you get from what was said above to what is said down below?..
Because I want others to murder me right. Jesus Christ.
Okay dude, I tried, honestly, but I’m blocking you. You’re literally the first person I’ve ever blocked on Lemmy, but you’re just not worth talking to.
Where did I say it wasn’t part of the problem? I said the exact opposite, in fact.
This is exactly Christianity. Their book tells them to act this way and their shamans have been screaming for this conduct for twenty centuries. Every single Christian I have dealt with is about one bad day away from doing this and why shouldn’t they? The have skydaddy telling them that they will be forgiven for everything and that it is a good thing to oppress the LGBT.
Again, I’m not defending the religion, just saying that blaming one thing here is missing the mountain of other contributing factors. If we erased christianity and every other religion you want gone from the world, the hate and fear would still be there, as would the people manipulating that to benefit themselves.
If cancer were cured tomorrow people would still die eventually, but I would rather live in a world without cancer than one with it.
Great metaphor, actually, since cancer is most often caused or exacerbated by something else. But you’re still missing my point by a mile. Keeping going after the symptom rather than the sickness, I guess. I’m sure that’ll solve everything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful to those who you are replying to, but are you sure those are even regular people you’re talking to, and not bots?
Either they’re very fanatical and can’t see outside of their box, or they’re being intellectually dishonest in how they respond to you, seeming to miss your point that’s being expressed very well and straightforward.
Eh, I don’t think so. People (understandably) hyper-focus on religion, and Christianity in particular, and the terrible things done under them, and it can be hard to get them to view the larger scope of the situation.
Fair enough, but they seem to be overly obtuse about it, to a fault.
Nope human. Got meat organs and everything. I love how the only defense of religion is to personally attack the guy calling out what it does
I got your point. You refuse to address the issue and instead want us all to wander around in circles finding “deeper” reasons.
Swing and a miss again.
Granted, I missed Jesus’s sermon on the hill, but I’m sure I would have heard something about him okaying bullying and killing good people just because they’re different.
You know, I’ve been noticing more and more that lemmy has a bunch of people who just fuckin hate religion straight up, edgy 2010’s reddit atheism style. I don’t necessarily disagree with a lot of their criticisms, but it has gotten kind of annoying seeing people attribute these clearly complex and incentive driven behaviors to something so broad, so old, and so vague.
It seems pretty obvious to me personally that conservatives have kind of given up on contesting civil rights and gay rights as a means to differentiate themselves from the other neoliberals, since those issues remain pretty deeply unpopular to contest, and are moving to this as sort of the next thing in their playbook, the next highest profile minority that they can easily lambast on nightly news. All while they try to roll back those other issues through every possible angle they might be able to work in local, state, and federal government.
That’s even a pretty big oversimplification of the issue, and the different forces involved, right, like it’s not really tied into why or how specifically they’re doing that, right, but it’s really stupid to even have that surface level understanding, and still bump up against people insisting that it’s more singularly some other driving, evil force. As though you couldn’t, were you to analyze christianity, split such a thing up into another whole litany of forces, another whole network of relations, causes and effects.
It says right in the Bible that being LGBT is a sin worthy of being sent to hell and that Jesus wants his enemies killed. Do you need me to quote chapter and verse?
Hey you know what? I fully admit I am an angry atheist. That means I say mean little things sometimes. You know what I don’t do? I don’t beat a trans kid to death inside a school bathroom, I don’t commit war crimes, and I dont descrate cultural sites.
You really want to both sides this? You really want to compare a few mean little comments to beating a child to death?
that’s a pretty nice bait
Beautiful sermon, bless.