• Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    A lot. I may not have been aware that I was trans back when I was a kid but growing up became a very lonely existence once girls and boys isolated themselves into their little tribes. When the siloing process sticks you with a peer group that implicitly knows you to be an ill fit and even when you try to get along your brain doesn’t register that gendered sense of “this is a person who acts and thinks like me” you don’t as a habit really make very close friends.

    Kids are very good at forming hardcore social bonds where they let their sense of individual identity slip in favor of their group. While I didn’t experience trans hate growing up directly persay being placed in situations where you just can’t make decent bonds tends to make you an easy target for being ripped to shreds as somebody else’s exercise of building pack solidarity. It takes very little for children to find justification to be violent.