What are your favorite single player games to go back to often?

  • Minecraft
  • Furi
  • Mario 64
  • Super Mario World
  • GTA SA and Vice City

It’s kinda rare for me to go back to a single player game and replay it, but there are some games that are nostalgic in the same way place or smell can be nostalgic.

I know them so well that I can’t help but want to go back and visit and I never really get disappointment by the experience. Sure, I don’t get as immersed as the first time, but I definitely still enjoy the games.

  • Zak8022@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    Couldn’t agree more on Ratchet & Clank. It’s just so much fun. Progression and upgrades are good, reasonable wit/comedy without being too on the nose or campy. Always has different and interesting guns to smash enemies.