I wish I didn’t listen to him, but most of the time I don’t have much of a choice.
Esp at 2am
Artist: Harley Davidson Song: Idle, followed by acceleration and shift to second, followed by more idling.
I swear to god, these posers are everywhere. People with Che Guevara shirts can’t even tell me which instrument he played smh
obnoxiously loud revving sounds
My 13-year-old daughter was told that she couldn’t name a single Oingo Boingo song by some dumb adult when she was wearing her Dead Man’s Party shirt. She proved him very wrong.
What was the reaction from the dumb adult?
I wasn’t there. She told me she left after she listed like 10 songs, so I have no idea, but I’m guessing that an adult that would come up to a teenager with that kind of smarmy attitude doesn’t admit it when they’re wrong.
Man, I would have loved to see his dumb face.
I know that guys work from the crazy frog cover
🎶 Harley David son of a bitch 🎵
David Harleyhoff süper star
My best friend who was big into Harley’s loaned me a zip up hoodie on a cold night a long time ago told me to keep it. He was kia oversees years back. I’ve never rode a motorcycle in my life and never will but I’m going to wear that hoodie several times a year until I’m no longer upright. I’d even pay good money to get it fixed if something happened to it.
Harley inspired Ferrari’s classic percussion intro to Van Halen’s Hot For Teacher.
Trevor Moore did a wonderful cover of one of Davidson’s songs.
Rest in peace, legend.