Like I said before, I forgot who that dipshit even was, especially since the template for the meme is so incredibly low-resolution. Hilariously, his actual dipshit sign looked so stupid that I thought it was a fake, when I saw it in the image search, when I went to get the blank one.
Holy shit. I’ve always seen this thing pretty low res, never looked closely, and thought that was billy eichner doing a bit from his on the street show or something!
Like I said before, I forgot who that dipshit even was, especially since the template for the meme is so incredibly low-resolution. Hilariously, his actual dipshit sign looked so stupid that I thought it was a fake, when I saw it in the image search, when I went to get the blank one.
He’s a fucking clown, beyond all description.
Holy shit. I’ve always seen this thing pretty low res, never looked closely, and thought that was billy eichner doing a bit from his on the street show or something!
For real. Now that I realize who it is, I can’t see anything but how punchable his fucking smirking face is.
Yikes, I’d never saw the original photo before now. What a dick.