Busy Bees: Animals with Jobs
Show us the real bugs life. Animals of any variety doing the mundane, exciting, or otherwise indescribable tasks we apes do.
Prompt for post image:
Follow the community’s rules above all else
One comment and image per user
Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun)
At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid
Prize Points Most upvoted +3 points Would I hire this animal? (Are they actually doing their job) (new) +2 points Second most upvoted +1 point Theme is clear +1 point OP’s favorite (me, this week) +1 point Most original +1 point Last entry (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point Prompt and workflow included +1 point -
Posts that are ex aequo (tied) will both get the points
Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!
Past entries
- Dieselpunk
- Goosebump Book
- Deep Space Wonders
- Fairy Tales
- A New Sport
- Monsters are Back to School
- War and Peace
- Distant lands
- Unreal Cartoons
- Sustainable Ecumenopolis
- Masks
- Mascots
- Old Gods, New Jobs
- Winter Festivities
- High Tech, Low Life
- Character Limit
- Gatsby’s Jazz Hands
- Reel to Canvas
- Cruelly Cute Characters
- Retro Sci-Fi
- Get Your Bard On!
Woa, déjà vu :)
I wasn’t very happy with the weird jacket in the back, but he’s definitely the cutest of the lot.
it looks like a scene from a ghibli movie
Write this movie @[email protected]!
Wrong Thelsim! That’s not true, but it is only my backup account.
Anyway, hard at work on this movie, I already got the poster :)

Inspector Goose is on the case!