Busy Bees: Animals with Jobs
Show us the real bugs life. Animals of any variety doing the mundane, exciting, or otherwise indescribable tasks we apes do.
Prompt for post image:
Follow the community’s rules above all else
One comment and image per user
Embed image directly in the post (no external link)
Workflow/Prompt sharing encouraged (we’re all here for fun)
At the end of the week each post will be scored according to the following grid
Prize Points Most upvoted +3 points Would I hire this animal? (Are they actually doing their job) (new) +2 points Second most upvoted +1 point Theme is clear +1 point OP’s favorite (me, this week) +1 point Most original +1 point Last entry (to compensate for less time to vote) +1 point Prompt and workflow included +1 point -
Posts that are ex aequo (tied) will both get the points
Winner gets to pick next theme! Good luck everyone and have fun!
Past entries
- Dieselpunk
- Goosebump Book
- Deep Space Wonders
- Fairy Tales
- A New Sport
- Monsters are Back to School
- War and Peace
- Distant lands
- Unreal Cartoons
- Sustainable Ecumenopolis
- Masks
- Mascots
- Old Gods, New Jobs
- Winter Festivities
- High Tech, Low Life
- Character Limit
- Gatsby’s Jazz Hands
- Reel to Canvas
- Cruelly Cute Characters
- Retro Sci-Fi
- Get Your Bard On!
Meet Dam Wright, Architect!
Meet Dam Wright, the beaver architect extraordinaire. By day, he’s a master of blueprint and design, crafting eco-friendly, sustainable lodges with a flair that only a beaver with his keen eye for structural integrity could muster. With a a pencil always tucked behind his ear, Dam is the go-to beaver for all woodland architectural needs. His works are not just dams; they’re masterpieces of wood and mud, celebrated for their innovative water management and cozy interiors.
Dam Wright, the beaver architect, embodies the spirit of creativity and commitment, proving that one can build dreams from the ground up, both professionally and personally, all within the walls of a dam built with love.
Workflow: First I asked Chat GPT for ideas and this was the one I liked best. Then I asked it for several art styles that would go well with this and I picked one.
Prompt: Create an image of an Anthropomorphized beaver as an architect who is designing homes and buildings that look like beaver dams, use the fauvism art style
Then I asked it: Redo the image and add Hollywood style post effects to make it look like a still from a summer blockbuster movie in a 16:9 aspect ratio
Then I had it do a few revision and this is my favorite
Even his name deserves an upvote!
Lol damn right!
The US is bringing back nature’s best firefighters: beavers
California and Western Canada are going to need them this year lol
Congrats you came 2nd. You lost some points because ChatGPT generated the idea, but gained some for a very detailed prompting!
Please accept this trophy