The death of 3 U.S. service members is forcing President Joe Biden to weigh military action that could carry risks of escalation and heavy political consequences.
They get overrun by the local threats the USA may have been able to help with? I mean, there’s obviously nuance here, but you aren’t using it either so
Liberals in America are just right wing anti-communists, they’re not leftists at all. As for Bernie, social-democracy is the moderate wing of fascism and that’s why he supports Biden’s genocide.
Both parties are evil because this is an evil country that must be stopped.
But I’m quite serious about hating America. No one should be president and we should do everything possible to make that a reality.
And told me that Russia is less corrupt and authoritarian than the USA. They ran away from that conversation once facts were laid out.
You brought up Stalin yourself in the conversation. Why suddenly cherry-pick date ranges now? Besides, Putin openly wrote in an essay how he wanted to go back to those good old days. With Rasputin-like friends like Dugin, no need to go back to the USSR to see that the Russian Federation yearns to go right back to that.
Honestly tho. ISIS was born in Abu Graib, a US run prison. The Taliban was a reaction to the warlords the US funded in the war against the USSR. Hamas has been funded by Israel, a US supported ally, for years. All the alternatives to Hamas in Gaza were suppressed. And this is just the middle east. The same pattern is repeated in South America and East Asia.
The US “asks”
Look at the ruins left all over that region to see what happens to countries that don’t cooperate.
They get overrun by the local threats the USA may have been able to help with? I mean, there’s obviously nuance here, but you aren’t using it either so
Don’t waste your time. This user has gems like:
And told me that Russia is less corrupt and authoritarian than the USA. They ran away from that conversation once facts were laid out.
This is factually true
Actually I went to work and your post required too much to respond during a bathroom break.
I’ll get to you this afternoon!
Looking forward to it. Especially where you’ll come up with 6 million deficit in domestic murders akin to the Stalin Regime.
Or what compares to being imprisoned for 15 years for a blank protest sign or publicly opposing the war in Ukraine.
The USSR doesn’t exist anymore
Also, here’s a life sentence for weed
You brought up Stalin yourself in the conversation. Why suddenly cherry-pick date ranges now? Besides, Putin openly wrote in an essay how he wanted to go back to those good old days. With Rasputin-like friends like Dugin, no need to go back to the USSR to see that the Russian Federation yearns to go right back to that.
Yep, that sucks.
Russia is still worse.
War on trans and homosexual rights.
15 years for tweet just opposing Russia’s aggressive act against Ukraine, or even a blank protest board.
Drug laws aren’t too kind in Russia, either. Just see what happened to Brittney Griner or Marc Fogel.
Local threats the US created 🙄
Honestly tho. ISIS was born in Abu Graib, a US run prison. The Taliban was a reaction to the warlords the US funded in the war against the USSR. Hamas has been funded by Israel, a US supported ally, for years. All the alternatives to Hamas in Gaza were suppressed. And this is just the middle east. The same pattern is repeated in South America and East Asia.