Days since a small subset of the gaming community embarresses the rest with their shitty behavior: 0
This will never not be zero
I’m not embarrassed. They pull this shit, they’re no longer part of the community.
Who wants to bet how long it takes for someone to post a victim-blaming comment that claims this is an exaggeration to detract from some other anti-consumer behavior of theirs?
I just realized it’s Laura Bailey who voiced her! 😮 The Laura Bailey. Jaina Proudmoore! Wow!
There was a time window around 10-15 years ago where it felt like not a single AA-AAA game released where she didn’t have a voice role in. Absolutely legendary talent!
This is really depressing, why go after an actor when the writing is at fault?
There’s a couple of actors in my province that had a hard time finding work after playing a certain role because people were mad at them personally and producers didn’t want to touch them with a 10’ pole!
TBF, she did go on a tirad against players when the game was getting ciriticized. I found it weird that she took the criticism of the game’s writing so personally despite her not being one of the writers.
Keep in mind that I’m not excusing the death theats. That shit isn’t okay. I’m just pointing out why she may have been targeted for harassment.
Sounds reasonable. /s