As the Republican Party’s blockade of aid to Ukraine drags into its fourth month, the U.S. government under Pres. Joe Biden has found a clever new way to give Ukraine’s forces the weapons and ammunition they need to defend their country.
It is, in essence, an American version of Germany’s circular weapons trade—the so-called Ringtausch. The United States is gifting older surplus weapons to Greece with the understanding that Greece donates to Ukraine some of its own surplus weapons.
Greek media broke the news last week. According to the newspaper Kathimerini and other media, the Biden administration offered the Greek government three 87-foot Protector-class patrol boats, two Lockheed Martin C-130H airlifters, 10 Allison T56 turboprop engines for Lockheed P-3 patrol planes plus 60 M-2 Bradley fighting vehicles and a consignment of transport trucks.
All this hardware is U.S. military surplus—and is available to Greece, free of charge, under a U.S. legal authority called “excess defense articles.” Federal law allows an American president to declare military systems surplus to need, assign them a value—potentially zero dollars—and give them away on the condition that the recipient transport them.
As a Canadian, yeah both of your right wing parties are essentially the same. Brown kids will be bombed and oil will be pumped.
And these lies will lead to trump again. Thanks for that
Dems will lead themselves there, just like they did in 2016. Stop blaming voters for your party’s incompetence.
I’m blaming morons spreading discontent and shitty ass ideas and that’s fully fair. Thanks for changing the subject though
Why are you so worried about “spreading discontent” in a small community message board? Don’t get me wrong, you should be about this election, but don’t you think it’s a little late now?
The election is in 9 months.
They’ve had 4 years. What is the Dems message at this point besides “not trump”? What do they stand for in this election? I get their emails the same as you everyday, they say nothing except “beat Trump”. We’re way past “addressing discontent” at this point.
People are frustrated, people are upset and the only thing the Dems have in 4 years is “at least we’re not that guy”. Is that really going to work again? I think the discontent is absolutely warranted at this point, my dude.
I didn’t read this.
Sounds like something a republican would say 🤔
What an absolute child you are. Learn how to have a conversation instead of trying to feel better than everyone.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Trump definitely would dial it back, so you’re totally not a bad faith liar after all!
your accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith.
where did they lie?
They’re just as bad as the republicans on this issue lol.
Sorry, what have I lied about?