Hello! I stumbled on a post a while back about privacy tools. I can’t seem to find it again. I had bookmarked a few sites it linked to and finally got around to looking at them
One of those websites was Safing. I hadn’t heard of it before. The website says that it’s a firewall tool, but I can’t seem to figure out why it’s better than the Windows default firewall. Does anyone here use it? What does it provide that Windows doesn’t have built in? Is there an avantage to using it if I have a PiHole on my network/use a VPN? Is it meant to be a single-machine firewall or a whole-network firewall?
I wont re-explain since someone already gave a detailed explanation but if you’re interested in having more control over your apps and their access to internet but don’t want to pay for safing’s subscription you can also use SimpleWall from Henry++, has a nice zero-trust by default and you get used to it eventually.