There are ones that can withstand getting soaked.
Yeah but I ran out of those unfortunately. The ones I have left get a drop of moisture and the glue completely dissolves
Yeah, I know the feeling…
I usually add something like electrical tape over them if they fall off.
Just going to leave this link here for anyone coming into this thread looking for answers:
They’ll last through showers and they’re strong enough to hold your pee in. Don’t ask me how I know.
You know we all have to know now. You can’t say some wackadoo shit like that and not expect questions. Let’s have it. Come on now.
Ok well…I sustained an injury to the tip of my dick and it turns out that’s a location that rubs on the material of your boxers or pants all the time. So I was in pretty constant discomfort. Decided to try a bandaid, and of course the standard ones really don’t sit all that flush and they would just snag and pull off inside my underwear. Then I tried one of those waterproof ones and it conformed to the shape perfectly. “Don’t worry, you won’t forget about something attached to the tip of your penis,” I told myself. But damn if those things don’t sit so comfortably you completely forget they’re there. And by god let me tell you, the absolute shock, fear, and confusion a man can feel when he’s dick in hand, has relaxed all his bladder muscles, and fully expects to start peeing, only for some phantom-handed chokehold to hold it all back a half second after release…well it’s not something you’re likely to forget.
Thank you for this treasure, and I’m sorry that you had to endure such a thing. May no man need to deal with what adj16 has.
I assume OP is talking about bandages on fingers, and it’s much harder to get a good seal on your fingers even with these :(
Spoken like someone who’s never tried to pee and been blocked by a bandaid before
These are the shit:
I can go on forever, but they do more than just stick well.
You can get hydrocolloid bandages from other makers, But Band Aid is the best.
But you can only use them on new wounds. If one fails, for example on a finger abrasion injury (the only place I have ever had those fail) you need to replace it with a different type of dressing.
They do stick better than any of the alternatives I have tried and that provide the best healing environment
Buy kids bandages, they’re usually much stickier.
I never understood why people wear band aids. Either I’m a super human or cuts really don’t get infected very often