“the unannounced Switch successor console has an 8-inch LCD screen and launches later in 2024. For context, the standard Switch has a 6.2-inch screen on the diagonal, and the OLED has a 7-inch screen.”
Every report about the switch 2 is that it’s launching 6-9 months away. This has been true for the past three years at least. it’s just 6-9 more months away everyone, forever 6-9 months away! please click the link!
They keep repeating the “news” regularly cause they believe they will eventually be right one day 😀
That being said, I think lots of things are pointing towards next version coming later this year or earlier next one. That’s just speculation though, not even a rumour 😛
Backwards compatible with 4k upscaling or gtfo
I’d be happy with just backwards compatibility
deleted by creator
Some Switch games could definitely take advantage of more power too
Just checked the link. It’s bloomberg’s report. How long have they been predicting next Switch for? I recall these reports since Covid days, maybe even before.
Yeah but this one some guy from Omdia said the specific stuff about the screen 🤷 The “report” is all over the place so I thought I’d just post it here for discussion 😬
Yeah, everyone is talking about it, so thanks for posting it here.
I was just sharing my general annoyance with these “reports”. 😀
Hopefully there’ll be a Direct next month and these reports will stop 😅 Although I think it was way worse before the Switch and all the NX “leaks” and “reports”.
Oh yeah, that was an interesting time.
These will only stop when next console is announced. If there is a Direct and they don’t announce it, they will just keep leaking these.
My switch broke and I’m holding out for a new one. I’d really like dates for this.
Last round of rumours were saying around Q4. So September-December. If you can’t hold for 7+ months buy a used one or refurbished.
My guess: Bigger screen to make the touch screen even less usable, probably without increasing pixel density, and with specs still several generations old.
My guess: these rumors are complete bullshit. Nintendo isn’t the kind of company to do sequels to consoles. They have to reinvent the wheel with every generation. I don’t know what their next system will be, but it’s not going to be a “Switch 2”.
That said, you’re right on the money: resolution will be shit and the hardware underpowered. That’s one thing Nintendo is consistent on.
The “New” 3DS was a power upgrade and a right-stick nubbin on an otherwise identical console to the original. I could see them making a “New” Switch. They’ll probably even call it that because they love that word tagged onto things.
Oh, and much better 3D with eye tracking.
New 23dSwitch lite i XL OLED featuring Dante from the devil may cry series advance sp &Knuckles
It’ll be flimsy, the controls will fail, the games will NEVER go down in price, the screen will be just too large to be comfortable as a touchscreen, the hardware will be outdated, the graphics will be meh, and the system software itself will be clunky amd slow.
It’ll sell 200 million and I don’t understand people.
Maybe, just maybe, you’re not the target audience. The games are usually fun. It’s portable without being “weird” to those that don’t really understand what the stream deck is. It appeals to both parents and kids. It may not do anything that can’t be done elsewhere, but it’s far more approachable than most alternatives.
All the whole not upgrading the resolution to be compatible with 4K TVs
I’m okay with 1080p, it’s the slowdowns in FPS that hurt me. If I had to pick one I’d pick consistent 60fps over 4K. Too many games dip under 30 on switch these days.
I’d be really surprised if it didn’t at least have 4k upscaling and HDR.
You don’t have to understand people, my dear. Put your phone down, go outside, love the life you have.
Nintendo got dem games