EDIT : It seems as no one understood what i was talking about and maybe its my fault for not elaborating . I always thought chicken was a metaphor for this paradox and not really meaning chicken as a specific spiece . So my question is how did the ancestor of chicken came to be if it was born (egg) wouldn’t it need a parent or if it was a parent (chicken ) woudn’t it need to be born ? Or did all the creatures start out as bacteria and climbed out from ocean through evalution if so why isn’t any new species being born this way or am i missing something ?
the egg that hatched the first chicken, obviously, laid by something that was not quite what we’d consider a chicken.
Fish, arthropods, etc, had eggs millions of years before chickens.
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I’m genuinely curious OP how you could even consider the chicken coming first? How did you imagine that scenario going down?
I can’t really remember the study or whatever, but the answer is egg. You’d need the mutation in DNA in the laid egg before you could get the chicken. And then propagation after until chickens are everywhere of course.
This is a simplified version of what I read, but that’s basically it.
Unless you define “chicken egg” as an egg laid by a chicken. It’s question of definitions
But the question doesn’t specify a “chicken egg”. It simply says “egg”. So the answer is egg, laid by some chicken ancestor.
to answer your edit, yes all creatures started out as single celled-organisms many billions of years ago and gradually evolved. this process is still happening today but takes millions of years, not something you would observe in a human lifetime