Ministry says aircraft that went down in border region of Belgorod was carrying prisoners who were to be swapped
A Russian military transport plane has crashed in the border region of Belgorod, according to Russia’s defence ministry.
The ministry said the aircraft was carrying 65 Ukrainian PoWs who were to be swapped. The ministry added that onboard the Ilyushin Il-76 were also six crew and three other people.
The Belgorod regional governor, Vyacheslav Gladkov, said all 74 people onboard had died.
country known for firing missiles at non-combatant and commercial planes has a plane full of political power suddenly crash. a mystery for sure.
they will not destroy their plane and crew just to kill bunch of POWs
These links prove what exactly? Aside from assassination of Wagner leader, the other planes were not Russian. I don’t know why people compare a assassination of a powerful military figure with murdering some helpless prisoners
It’s a weird take for sure. I’m not endorsing killing of POWs, but this would be the dumbest way to kill a bunch of captives. If they wanted them dead, then literally doing nothing would work.
Now they are out political bargaining chips and a plane.
You know what else is dumb? Shooting down a plane full of civilians from another country and yet they did that too.
That Russia is capable and willing to (try) to shoot down anything they want in the sky. For whatever reason. What was the good, solid, well thought out reason for shooting down the commercial jet with hundreds of civilians on it, in your opinion?
Sure, and maybe epstein really did kill himself…
They were supposedly shooting hypersonic* missiles against civilian infrastructure and sending tanks with not enough fuel to get to Kiev, with the objective to get to Kiev.
They just don’t care
Currently it seems like there were no POWs onboard and this was a false claim by Russia. The story is still developing though, no confirmation either way.
Wait, I’ve seen this episode of Deep Space Nine
Does anyone transport POWs by plane? Isn’t it too dangerous and doesn’t usually require the speed air provides? They mentioned 74 people total and say 65 were POWs. Then it leaves 9 people of personel including a crew of 5 (based on wikipedia), so did it have just 4 guards? I’m not well versed in math or military logistics, but it sounds sketchy. Maybe POWs here are mentioned to make other side worried (for if they downed it, per the OP’s article) and cover it with a tint of conspiracy, while it was e.g. military cargo or personel? Deflecting the argument is pretty much what enemies do.
I’d wait before more details show up, like satelite imagery of a crash site before making conclusions. For now this potato is just too hot.
There are a lot of issues with that story. Nobody transports 65 prisoners with only three guards. According to eye witnesses, the plane flew in the opposite direction of the ‘official flight plan’, i.e.they flew north, away from the front. The place where it was shot down is out of reach for nearly all Ukranian anti-aircraft systems. There are discrepancies with the list of POW passengers. There are more problems according to TV news.
Sounds very confusing. That’s what I meant by a hot potato. I’ve read many stories and there’re too many gossips now. I’d better wait until tomorrow.
Playing the Hamas game, I see.