- In 2023, police in the U.S. Killed over 1,300 people, marking a steady increase in police killings, as reported by Mapping Police Violence.
- There were only 14 days without a police killing, and on average, a person was killed by law enforcement every 6.6 hours.
- While the number of people killed by gunfire and officers killed in the line of duty declined, this data highlights the need for significant changes in policing in the country.
That, and all the gun control restrictions constantly being floated are meaningless when the police have an exception carved out for themselves every. single. fucking. time.
If 10+ round magazines, full autos, SBR’s, AR-15’s, switchblades, etc., etc., etc. are supposed to be this big problem, I have never once had anyone be able to answer be constructively on why the police need these things when regular people don’t.