No person should be allowed to own more residential property than they’re realistically need for living.
Do you allow couples to own two houses then? How do you prevent two people living together from not owning a second house to rent?
Also, you’d be surprised just how little a person needs to live in lol.
Landownership is wrong all together.
If you think about it, it is completely absurd, why anyone assumes the right to ‘own’ a piece of land. Or even more land than the other guy. Someone must have been the person to first come up with the idea of ownership, but it is and was never based on anything other than an idea, and we should question it.
After all inheritance of landownership is a major cornerstone of our unjust and exploitative society.
That’s all well and good but I don’t want you living in my garden.
People like the idea of the stability ownership offers. You can’t be kicked out of your house or off your land you own because your income dropped out lost a job. How would you suggest this stability is maintained?
no real estate taxes for the first house owned, heavy and progressive taxes starting on the second, is an idea
companies get called people all the time, i’m starting to believe it, but i still think they don’t need shelter, so they shouldn’t be able to aquire a basic human need
I have a feeling they’d just pass those taxes onto the renters.
Or contribute to political campaigns….or a thousand other things they abuse.
investors should not be able to either.
B-but CoRpOrAtIoNs Is PeOpLe
One to four units should only be owned by people and the owner should have the obligation to live in it or there should be a radius around their property in which they can’t own a second one.
Five to eight units should only be owned by well regulated corporations with the fiscal responsibilities this implies. The alternative would be co-ops.
Nine and more should be under a non profit state corporation that charges rent based on trying to break even only (that’s how road insurance for people works around here, price is adjusted based on the previous year’s cost to the corporation, it’s way cheaper than private equivalents elsewhere in the country).
Can I just say, this is a wonderful template. 🐕
Say it loud
At least 20 corporate shills have seen this post
Cries in New Zealand
I wish every corporation buying residential properties a very haven hills alabama
Cooperations should not be allowed to purchase residential property
Black Rock, Blackstone Group: Hold my real-estate 🏙️🏙️🏙️
Wait how can they? Wouldn’t them being able to buy it not make it “residential” anymore?
Cause a hotel is not a residential property.