Do you use them when you don’t have time to cook or don’t want to? Do you use them to avoid gaining weight? What is your opinion about their potential health implications?
I use them to not lose weight to my cancer 🤷♀️
I used them when I had covid and lost my sense of taste. When you can’t taste, all food is just a gross mush in your mouth.
I tried to get into it, but between finding recipes and washing the blender, it wasn’t less effort or money than just making a sandwich. I did not find it helpful as a diet aid, because I would still be hungry after a “meal replacement.” If I don’t have time to cook, I don’t have time to blend. If I make a bunch in advance, I can just as easily make a bunch of salads in containers.
I’m already fat and disabled, though, and I work from home, so factor that into my experience.
When we get sick we rely on Ensure to keep our nutrients up when we can’t eat, but I’ve never used them to replace a proper meal because they are wholly unsatisfying, I would need a sandwich or something to top off my fat ass.
I don’t use them and wouldn’t use them. I like food, and would rather cut into other things’ time to cook and eat.
I generally have a pretty negative opinion of the idea of “replacing meals” with soilent-esque products. I understand the various reasons people use these, and don’t blame them, but to me it’s treating a symptom rather than the problems that cause it.
I tried Soylent for a little bit. It was okay. I think they work well as a once-in-awhile kinda thing, or in particularly strenuous or limiting conditions, but relying on them for any real length of time would be a little sad imo.
I’d still look for some for a solo road trip of any sort, they’re preferable to most road food.
I’ve tried Soylent, Huel, and Jimmy Joy. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages. Soylent has a very smooth texture but not too many flavors, Huel and JJ have great flavor variety but a more grainy texture. Huel (and I think JJ now too) have hot meals which are pretty good and a nice change of pace from cold drinks.
I use them partly for convenience and partly because they have a good amount of fiber which I sometimes don’t get enough of. I don’t really have the self discipline or the willingness to eat the same thing 3x/day in order to put exactly X number of calories in me so I can lose weight.
I used to drink them quite a bit, but I don’t any more sure to food allergies.
I think they’re quite useful and can even be tasty (I used to make smoothies using them). I just saw them as a convenient form of protein.
Having said that, I’ve noticed that I’m much less hungry eating whole food proteins, and so I’m actually less likely to snack and ingest less calories over all.
You meant Soylent Green?
I seriously pity people who’s culinary skills end at mixing some powder with water.