I was thinking more along the lines of battery powered operations. I can stick a Pi, a car battery, a solar panel into a weather proof box and set it in the woods if I needed to.
Yeah I am loving all these micro Linux computer options. Not much bigger than a raspberry pi but it’s a full computer. If you need gpio you can hook up an Arduino through USB and connect super easily. The one I have been using even has an integrated video card. All for around $100 and they are always in stock lol.
But you can get a used thinkcentre tiny mini micro on ebay for $80. Wtf would I spend 100+ on a pi?
Energy efficiency?
Most ppl do not bother to calculate that in(especially idle consumption) or living in an area where it basically does not matter.
But yes, no x86-64 device comes close.
I was thinking more along the lines of battery powered operations. I can stick a Pi, a car battery, a solar panel into a weather proof box and set it in the woods if I needed to.
You’ve got a point, but whatever you’re doing innawoods can probably be accomplished with a $40 pi, not a $100+ one.
Yup. I use one for DNS / pihole / remote into network. Already tiny, easily replaceable parts and any OS. I do prefer the dells over Lenovo though.
Yeah I am loving all these micro Linux computer options. Not much bigger than a raspberry pi but it’s a full computer. If you need gpio you can hook up an Arduino through USB and connect super easily. The one I have been using even has an integrated video card. All for around $100 and they are always in stock lol.
can you link to one? i am interested
Prices vary on specs, but these work very well.
thank you. that’s a good deal.
first search “thinkcentre i5” https://www.ebay.com/itm/335211475014?hash=item4e0c293046:g:cxAAAOSwxidkleZb