No matter if you feel the price tag is too high, or feel it’s a gimmick that won’t appeal to many, the Vision Pro will usher in a new era of apps and products.

To me, this is similar to when the iPhone was getting ready to be released. Many said it was expensive, had no keyboard, was too big and wide to be comfortably held, and would never sell. That all started to change once people got their hands on the device.

I feel that the Vision Pro will have the same effect, but this is one device you’ll truly need to test out and experience. Based on those that have been fortunate enough to actually use it, it’s not a gimmick.

    1 year ago

    Yeah. Seems ridiculous to imagine buying a headset for $3400 and then needing to buy another headset to actually play games and even if you could find a way to pipe input from a gaming rig, you still have no controllers. Once again we see Apple ignoring established standards at the expense of their customers and selling it as gods gift to the world.