The admin stated they won’t be renewing the domain because .af is now controlled by the Taliban.
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The admin stated they won’t be renewing the domain because .af is now controlled by the Taliban.
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If you’re on the country code, you open yourself up to risk. ml has been a risk before.
Your headline is misleading though. Taliban didn’t kill it. Admin did.
Such a heinous click bait, I’m inclined to down vote the post. Definitely misleading af.
If the Taliban never got control of the .af domain in the first place. The Admin would have renew it. So the Taliban did kill it.
Well, they run Afghanistan and af is the country code. They picked a domain that they thought was cute, funny or clever and didn’t consider longevity or risk. It’s on them. If I make a website. I won’t pick a silly extension that won’t survive long.