• Lauchs@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    In my more conspiratorial moments I wonder if social media driven social justice is encouraged by the elites to keep us fighting over whether the movies have enough gay/Black/trans actors, critical race theory, trans bathrooms etc so that inequality and serious change never come up meaningfully.

    Were I one of the wealthy elite, I could think of no better ally in the fight to support the status quo than twitter social justice.

    To be clear, I think most of those folks are doing what they believe is right and I generally agree but it also creates a giant schism between Left and Right when it should be about Haves and Have nots.

    • Sotuanduso@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Occupy Wall Street was 2011.

      I took Google Ngrams with some various terms around social justice, set smoothing to 0, and sorted the outcomes. Feel free to verify; I’m no expert.

      Tested terms (alphabetical order): Bigot, Bisexual, Black, Cisgender, Civil Rights, Critical Race Theory, Discrimination, Diversity, Empowerment, Equality, Equity, Gay, Gentrification, Hate Speech, Heterosexual, Homosexual, HRT, Human Rights, Identity Politics, Inclusive, Inequality, Intersectionality, Lesbian, LGBT, Liberation, Marginalize, Microaggression, Oppression, Privilege, Racism, Representation, Social Justice, Solidarity, Systemic, Transgender

      Upturn in 2011/2012, upward trend since: Cisgender, Critical Race Theory, Gentrification, LGBT, Transgender
      Downturn in 2011/2012, upward trend since:
      Unclear in 2011/2012, upward trend since: Bigot, Bisexual, Hate Speech, Identity Politics, Inclusive, Inequality, Intersectionality, Microaggression, Social Justice
      Upturn in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Discrimination, Gay, Lesbian
      Downturn in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Privilege
      Unclear in 2011/2012, unclear trend since: Black, Diversity, Empowerment, Equality, Human Rights, Liberation, Marginalize, Oppression, Racism, Representation, Solidarity, Systemic
      Upturn in 2011/2012, downward trend since: Equity, Heterosexual, Homosexual
      Downturn in 2011/2012, downward trend since: HRT
      Unclear in 2011/2012, downward trend since: Civil Rights

      I certainly didn’t sort them perfectly. I don’t want to tell you what to think, but I will say that I was pretty sure of this theory before running this test, and though I feel the evidence supports it, it wasn’t as strong as I thought.