If I set 175% scaling in Gnome Settings, the value is saved as 1.7518248558044434 in ~/.config/monitors.xml:
<monitors version="2">
Using JavaScript isn’t inherently a bad thing. JavaScript can be very useful when used for scripting. Obviously anything with a new for performance will be done in C.
JavaScript isn’t the best language to make a desktop interface in my opinion, it can be very efficient, but you can see in bugs (at least in the past) how bad performance it had, and they needed to re-factor it to replace to C or improve the JavaScript. I’m just laughing and making fun of it using JavaScript, not saying it is slow, Gnome is pretty fast nowadays.
GNOME is primarily written in C
Okay, but still needs JavaScript, they are slowly trying to remove or improve it. But it is a fact that it also runs on JavaScript. 🤣
Using JavaScript isn’t inherently a bad thing. JavaScript can be very useful when used for scripting. Obviously anything with a new for performance will be done in C.
JavaScript isn’t the best language to make a desktop interface in my opinion, it can be very efficient, but you can see in bugs (at least in the past) how bad performance it had, and they needed to re-factor it to replace to C or improve the JavaScript. I’m just laughing and making fun of it using JavaScript, not saying it is slow, Gnome is pretty fast nowadays.