Holy crap this is gold.
“You don’t have to take my word for it” and you didn’t have Levar Burton say it as a reference to Reading Rainbow?
This episode was directed by LeVar so it’s a meta reference.
This is fantastic. Quark is also surprisingly calm about how much latinum he made.
I’m so glad they’re getting the attention they deserve. When Q turned me into a turkey sandwich, I was no longer able to work. They helped me get the settlement I deserved from the Federation, who knew that running into Q was a possibility, and did not disclose that risk to me.
Pretty sure I just woke the house up by cackling at your comment. Chefs kiss.
Space OSHA reminds you that any ship that might attract Q should have high visibility DANGEROUS placards prominently displayed before getting underway!
Worf is in the opening scene because he’s trying to sue Picard over that barrel.