I’ve played and almost 100% the Spyro trilogy when it came out. The games were lovely and (aside from the gorgeous remade graphics) the gameplay has aged really well.
I’ve never cared that much for Crash Bandicoot but I would love a new Spyro sequel.
I wonder what they could do to breath new fire into it (har). It is a fun trilogy to play, for sure, but it also feels like playing a game of its time.
I really miss games like this though. The last time I felt the bridge between games like Spyro and “modern” times (I’m old) was Kameo. Kameo was such a gem and felt like I was playing a newer Spyro, Medievil, or Banjo game.
While we’re on the subject, where the heck is Conker?
Have you tried A Hat in Time? It really gave me the feeling of a really polished, modern PS2 game. It’s a ton of fun.
To me, aHiT always felt like Sunshine 2: No FLUDD. Hat Kid controls just like Mario without the fancy flips
In fact, it’s so close to Sunshine that there’s a FLUDD mod on PC. It performs exactly as you’d expect. It’s obviously cheating and makes platforming much easier than intended, but it’s interesting just how close AHIT actually is to Sunshine in terms of how the game feels to play.