I allow everything from FOSS that I like, you?
I’m hostile towards telemetry by default because of how much spyware there is in today’s technology. I’ll only allow it if it’s reasonable ( e.g. a GPS getting your location, system diagnostics for software devs ) and it’s consentual.
GPS is “passive”. It’s basically (i’m oversimplifying) sitting there listening to the satellites each broadcasting info, then triangulates itself based on the passive receipt of that data.
i think they are referencing map apps vs gps as a technology
Hmm… possible… fuck those though. Just buy a Garmin.
Do those have good traffic data? Because some people still need that.
Yeah, there’s a receiver built into the charger.
Manual bug reporting by manual log selection.
I generally feel fine if I can preview the payload and it doesn’t contain too identifiable stuff. Even better if you can redact fields. NewPipe has a simple implementation of this where it just opens up your email client with a pre-filled body.
Zero. I don’t cotton to my devices phoning home ever.
Bug reports and error logs. Helps support the development of the software without it feeling like my data is sold for money unnecessarily.
I let FOSS apps collect crash reports and the like. Proprietary stuff though, no chance.
Almost none. I want all telemetry off by default, and only gets turned on by me when I want it, and with all conditions and content known.
I like the optional error reports where I can choose just the error report to send.
Of course all this only for FOSS apps.
I’m paranoid as shit so nothing
None. I prefer reporting an issue manually.
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