I’d love to see Season 4 happen because Season 3 was some of the best recent space SciFi made. Certainly beats the piss out of whatever the hell Star Trek Picard Seasons 1 and 2 were…or basically all of Discovery.
At least I have Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds to look forward to.
Lower Decks! Lower Decks! Lower Decks!
You’re comparing it to star trek? Give your head a shake. Seth is a subspecies when it comes to Star Trek captain charisma. it’s closer to stargate when it comes to ripping off characters like tealc. And even lexx had more storyline. and you’re drunk if you think discovery wasn’t good. Go back to eating the wall.
Based on your update/downvote ratio compared to mine, you seem to be in the minority, bud.
Thank god! I’ve been a fan since it was announced way back when. For Christmas this year, my sister-in-law bought me “The World of Orville” and the physical collection of the comics, as she knew I bought the digital ones.
I very much look forward to another season!
ADRIANNE PALICKI Explains Why THE ORVILLE Only Filmed 36 Episodes in 6 Years: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zklxb1PXFHM
And that’s why it won’t happen. I don’t see Palicki and Lee coming back.
Great watch 🖖
It’s such a great series. It’s a shame it wasn’t popular enough to keep momentum. I hope we get another season
Supposedly a lot of the issues come from Seth demanding to be the lead writer for every single episode. It bogs down production, because one person simply can’t crank out scripts fast enough to keep up. So a lot of the actors have been stuck in contracts without actually being able to work, because they’re just waiting on the script writing to be finished.
When the show was what Star Trek would be with real people, it was great. When they made it all about the little no-neck blonde prodigy, it became a chore to finish. It’s too far gone to come back, but please give me a new grungy Star Trek.
That’s strange new worlds.
I would be happy for a fourth season, but I didn’t much appreciate the third. Better production, though, so bonus points.
Second season was pretty brilliant in its balance. Also, third season misses a lot of the banter between crew members, which I sorely missed :(
Honestly didn’t know that the show had made it past two seasons.
The third season is best. They moved away from pure Star Trek parody, into actual Star Trek, with a tiny bit of silliness sometimes.
I Loved S3, some of the best sci-fi I’ve watched
Yeah s3 is truly great
Big big disagree with you there homie. McFarlane felt WAY out of his element when Orville switched to a purely serious motif. I couldn’t finish the season which killed me because I had such high hopes. Every single character felt like they were in the passive aggressive cold shoulder portion of a marriage fight. Honestly couldn’t give a shit if it comes back for a fourth season.
I have no idea how it made it past the first episode.
Terrible show.
It’s been a little while since I watched it, but didn’t it kind of wrap up last season? I kinda just assumed they were done.
The last season had two ending episodes, one to wrap things up so the show could stop there and one to open the door to more things to come.
If it’s cancelled how is he supposed to find women to date him?
U jelly?
Just grossed out by him being in a position of great power on the show and driving one actor off the set early in the run due to their ended relationship and installing his new girlfriend in a prominent role in season 3. Makes it worse that he has DiCaprio syndrome. It wreaks of old Hollywood Weinstein abuses of power.
It’s a rumored relationship (never confirmed) and if the rumors are true the dates don’t match, the relationship would have ended after she left.
Try again!