I wonder when american mass shootings will stop being front page news. Treated more like a car crash or something. minor local news. The US as a country has obviously decided that this is acceptable and i assume it should be treated as such.
No, Republican politicians and a minority of voters have decided it’s acceptable, and because of our convoluted and poorly designed political system, the rest of us are forced to put up with it.
I feel like it’s barely front page news as it is. Like this is the only thing I’m seeing about this shooting. Last night on TikTok I found out about a shooting at a bar, what’s the deadliest shooting in Maine to date. Happened on Oct 25th. I found out about it yesterday. 18 people killed, 13 injured. Still took me that long to see anything about it. Back when the Sandy Hook hooting happened, it was all over in minutes, and we didn’t stop hearing about it for months. Now we might not hear about it at all.
I wonder when american mass shootings will stop being front page news. Treated more like a car crash or something. minor local news. The US as a country has obviously decided that this is acceptable and i assume it should be treated as such.
As an outsider it’s fucking bizarre to witness.
No, Republican politicians and a minority of voters have decided it’s acceptable, and because of our convoluted and poorly designed political system, the rest of us are forced to put up with it.
Indeed. Gun control is actually extremely popular if you just look at polling.
I feel like it’s barely front page news as it is. Like this is the only thing I’m seeing about this shooting. Last night on TikTok I found out about a shooting at a bar, what’s the deadliest shooting in Maine to date. Happened on Oct 25th. I found out about it yesterday. 18 people killed, 13 injured. Still took me that long to see anything about it. Back when the Sandy Hook hooting happened, it was all over in minutes, and we didn’t stop hearing about it for months. Now we might not hear about it at all.