OK, sure. Giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t just discrete. Fine.
But if I went to hang out with a “good friend”, and he brought some escorts, I can’t imagine myself sitting down for a cordial dinner without at least addressing the elephant in the room.
That’s seriously wtf.
But I guess I’m not rich and powerful where I’d even have that problem. The worst I’ve had to deal with is “no, I would not like to invite the strippers you know to this party”
OK, sure. Giving him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t just discrete. Fine.
But if I went to hang out with a “good friend”, and he brought some escorts, I can’t imagine myself sitting down for a cordial dinner without at least addressing the elephant in the room.
That’s seriously wtf.
But I guess I’m not rich and powerful where I’d even have that problem. The worst I’ve had to deal with is “no, I would not like to invite the strippers you know to this party”