North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his military should “thoroughly annihilate” the United States and South Korea if provoked, state media reported Monday, after he vowed to boost national defense to cope with what he called an unprecedented U.S.-led confrontation.
North Korea has increased its warlike rhetoric in recent months in response to an expansion of U.S.-South Korean military drills. Experts expect Kim will continue to escalate his rhetoric and weapons tests because he likely believes he can use heightened tensions to wrest U.S. concessions if former President Donald Trump wins the U.S. presidential election in November.
In a five-day major ruling party meeting last week, Kim said he will launch three more military spy satellites, produce more nuclear materials and develop attack drones this year in what observers say is an attempt to increase his leverage in future diplomacy with the U.S.
I hereby order my bank balance to “thoroughly annihilate” my bills.
Nope my finances are still dogshit, same as North Korea
they wish they had your finances. the north korean won currency is worth 0.00111 USD.
The japanese yen is worth 0.007 USD. That’s just how currency works, not really a show of a countries wealth.
Very true, there are better ways to make the point.
true. another way: north korea’s gdp is $48B, which is 107th amongst nations. for comparison the USA is #1 amongst nations in gdp. so north korea is comparable to the state of Alaska in economic power.
To give you an idea how poor this makes them, the largest municipality in my country, São Paulo, has a GDP of $170B. Yes, that’s right, one city in Brazil has more than 3X North Korea’s GDP.
Hell, Microsoft paid more than that for ActiBlizzard… North Korea is pathetic, the only reason it still exists is China, that wants them there as a buffer between them and US allies South Korea and Japan.
He knows damn well that should he ever attempts to “annihilate” either the only thing that will change is that South Korea will become an island.
I just rewatched the college humor King Jung Un animated series in response to this article
They don’t even have a pot to piss in, let alone take on a superpower like the US. Keep on dreaming Kim.
Let’s provide them by mass spam of femboy porn!
Nuclear escalation always leads to great outcomes, right? Right?
They always start this barking when they need more humanitarian aid.
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Regardless of what he says NK is, he’s a dictator not a Communist