Yesterday’s attack on Ukraine cost Russia as much as $1.27 billion. The prices of the missiles, rockets and drones used in the attack were compiled by Economic Truth, which calculated that the Russians lost $1 billion 273 million 220 thousand dollars. That would pay for the country’s Health Care for most of next year.
Putin’s hissy fits are far more important than the nation’s health
I miss the old days when you killed a king their treasure was just up for grabs, now it’s all hidden away and obfuscated while no one knows its true value. We need to start storing wealth in big treasure chests again and abolish banks.
cool, but do other billionaires too
I hope this same thing can be used to freeze and seize israeli assets.
Real question: what happens when Putin starts using nukes. Because it seems like that’s the direction it’s headed.
It’s like driving on a bus with a terrorist who insists “you have to do what I want!! Or I’ll blow up the bus!”, but they’re on the bus with their whole family who might not want to do that. Putin himself might be wacked out enough that he decides to. However, it’s been obvious for decades that the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction is accurate, and most nuclear countries seek to maintain that as a deterrent. I don’t think the rest of the power structure in Russia would allow that to happen since it’s obvious suicide. Even if they weren’t instantly nuked by the US, France and UK, it would fuck up so many things in the world, including for Russia, that nobody would win that. I don’t think Putin wants to destroy all of civilization… he just wants Russia to regain power and be on par with the US, EU and China.
Thats what he wants you to think the whole nuclear saber bit is simply to try get the west to drop support for ukraine so he actualy has a chance at winning.
Guess if you got nukes you can do what you. Iran going to be pulling this move in the next 5-10 years.