I have a very short equipment rack installed in my server closet. It is only 16 inches deep, fine for most networking uses, but not great for most rack-mount server cases.
I am looking for case suggestions that would fit my rack, 16 inch depth maximum. Height isn’t a problem, the rack has a ton of vertical space, over 15U, it’s the depth that’s an issue.
I recently hunted for a rack mounted case for an ATX MB and PSU. The best I could find is 17.9" deep. Is your rack’s rear end closed? Any way to remove the rear panel? There is a site that’ll make you a custom rack mount case I came across. But it was mighty pricey.
Back end is open but wall-mounted. If there is a way to mount the case forward a few inches so it leaves a gap in the back, that would be fine with me.
I haven’t found any brackets that seem to do that though.
How about mounting the rack a few inches off the wall?
Make your own brackets with construction lumber or plywood?
The 45Drives homelab case is 17.125" deep
Also an option I am considering. I prefer something a little more professional if possible, but not a bad option if I can’t get something else to work.
I’ll take a look at the 45 Drives case, thanks!
I just bought this one https://www.newegg.com/rosewill-rsv-z2600u-black/p/N82E16811147329?item=N82E16811147329
Thanks for the link!
I’ve not used them yet but was looking at https://www.plinkusa.net/
They have a variety of heights and depths, some of them being 15”
Great resource, I’ll check them out.
Chenbro makes quite a few ATX shallow rack mount cases. I have one and have no complaints.
I’ll check them, Ty!