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Propaganda works.
What’s funny is I can’t tell if you’re talking about younger Americans refusing to hate China or older Americans chanting “China Bad!”
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300,000 people are on the organ donor wait-list in China at this very moment.
You’re a perfect example of the power of propaganda lol
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The US has a ton of problems, I’m not saying it’s a great country to live in necessarily (I wouldn’t move there given the choice). But it’s not a dictatorship where laws are optional for the government.
Maybe freedom doesn’t mean anything to you when you’re not the one being reeducated though.
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Both tbh
American failures are being used to prop up Chinese successes. This is particularly true in urbanism discussions. China is by no means perfect and thinking that they are is harmful to progress.
Perfection doesn’t exist, but China is on the right track imo
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Really not looking for whataboutisms to justify their atrocities…
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This is really just common knowledge at this point.
E: looks like the CCP has even infiltrated the mods of this community.
I get paid 100000000 Xi bucks every time I remove a post. Obviously Lemmy is the most important social media platform in the world that China needs to control at all costs. The communists have even banned brainrot racism on this subreddit.
Its actually all sourced from one single guy who has stated it is his mission from God to bring down China.
It’s common knowledge because propaganda is incredibly effective.
No no no, clearly you’re suffering under Western propaganda. In China there is zero crime and everyone gets a golden car on their 15th birthday. It’s true and If you disagree you’re a propaganda chicken. (/s)
refusing to hate
Western propaganda clearly isn’t working on young people.
This kinda looks like a bad poll. The wording seems to setup a bad choice of extremes. The respondent has to either choose “friendly” or “an enemy”. But the relationship between the US and China is a much more complex thing. The US and China are certainly in competition in a number of areas, economically and geopolitically. The induction of China to the WTO in 2001 impacted the US’s manufacturing sector negatively (see: https://www.bls.gov/opub/btn/volume-9/forty-years-of-falling-manufacturing-employment.htm). The US and China are at odds over the fate of Taiwan. But, in spite of all that, the US and China have deep trade links which benefit both countries greatly. And both countries are likely better off than they would be without the other. Global trade is generally positive for the economies involved, though global trade can also fuck individuals inside each economy, including driving wealth concentration and harming the economically disadvantaged and people whose skills don’t align well with the industries their country is focused on.
Trying to boil US-China relations down to either Friendly or “Enemy” misses a lot of the nuance and may mean people aren’t giving an accurate picture of how they view China.
Isn’t it a general trend that younger people, on average, are less xenophobic / racist / bigoted than the previous generation? I also remember reading somewhere that younger Chinese people are friendlier to Japan, South Korea and the US than their parents.
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I visit China frequently for work and feel that the impression most older Americans have of China is incredibly out of touch. The traditional media portrayal of the country is definitely a part of this. Yes, it’s certainly an authoritarian state, but this doesn’t change whether the people are nice or what they want in life.
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Authoritarianism was a bullshit term invented by child-fucker libertarians to frame themselves as being the good guys.
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Hot take. What’s the eli5 behind the idea?
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the state maintains that this is a moral and legitimate use of force: that it has the authority to do this.
I don’t necessarily agree with “moral”. In western democracies laws and use of force doesn’t legitimize itself by a call to morality usually. Just using some kind of authority, doesn’t make a government authoritarian by any common definition of the word.
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It absolutely does imo, it legitimises itself through an appeal to an underlying moral framework.
Yes, but very indirectly. We don’t have a “moral police”, but one that enforces laws which are, as you say, legitimized by the people as a sovereign.
So you don’t see police stopping people on “moral grounds” in some vague interpretation.
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And every functional family.
That makes no sense.
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My company has an office in China and I’ve been there many many times.
Chinese people are like all other people - same needs, same hopes and dreams, same fears, same drivers. In the city where our office is located, they are extremely hard working and want to ensure a better future for their family. Just like most American cities.
Their city is very high tech, moreso than many American cities because they skipped a lot of legacy technology.
They don’t necessarily subscribe to the same moral/value system as Americans, for example they often see copying each other’s ideas as a compliment whereas Americans see it as stealing. Kind of like - if it’s possible to copy, then it’s fair game - so don’t make it possible if you don’t want it copied. Perhaps that drives a different kind of innovation.
Obviously there are many more cultural differences. But as a people, we are all essentially working with the same needs.
All that being said I don’t appreciate the great firewall when I’mthere, the censorship, and the fear they have about discussing banned topics. I don’t appreciate the high-tech security cameras at every corner, or all the tracking of activities. The younger generations tolerate this for now because they are wealthier than their parents and told to cooperate, but that may not hold long term.
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Younger people increasingly get their news from social media, and they’re exposed to a more diverse set of news. Meanwhile, older people tend to primarily get their news from traditional media.
There’s a similar trend with support of Israel and Palestine https://www.axios.com/2023/10/26/generational-divide-on-the-israel-hamas-war
This shows just how propagandized traditional media is in the west.
Also good to remember that digital media can be just as propogandized if you interact with it at a base level. Shopping around for a wide breadth of sources and opinions should be viewed as standard requirement for forming a more accurate sense of world events.
Completely agree, and I think it’s really valuable to see how events are being covered in different parts of the world.
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living through remnants of cold War with cccp
have access to internet to research what happend to america afterwards
everything made come from China
seemingly life is worse today compared to the 80s and 90s.
Yea I can’t imagine why young people don’t give a fuck about a new cold war with China
China’s a great guy
The majority of that age range still considers China an enemy, but a tiny fraction of ambivalent onlookers out of an overwhelming majority of a reflexively anti-China populace is enough for the Economist to dedicate an article to a fucking YouGov poll.
It’s just another pearl-clutching “what’s wrong with today’s youths” headline to panic the elderly while flattering compliant millennials/zoomers for being one of the few (despite still being the majority!) “good ones” that march goose-step with consensus Western political thought.
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China, Qatar and Iran, buying Americans minds since 2000.
Investment is paying off.
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