Ironic how she was one of the big proponents of collective guilt yet she claims she didn’t know her family was doing buisness with Russia

    2 years ago

    The thing is though, the real company that should be complained at is not Stark Logistics but AS Metaprint - the business actually shipping to Russia. This business has already been in the news and spoken about how it’s winding up its existing orders, and has been given a legal dispensation to finish up its operations. Those operations used Stark Logistics before, so obviously they’re going to continue using Stark Logistics until they finish.

    Her husband’s business wasn’t doing anything extra from what was already in the public eye. I’m sure she was campaigning for AS Metaprint to stop sooner, in which case Stark Logistics would also be stopping sooner. The Prime Minister does not dictate policy, though, and in this case the government have determined business can go on for a little longer.