On Wednesday, Poland’s new government moved to seize control of the country’s publicly owned television, radio and news agency from loyalists to the Law and Justice (PiS) party, which lost power following the October 15 parliamentary election. Duda was a PiS member and is still loyal to the party.
We are seeing a clash between the old, right-wing government that is not afraid to bend or break rules in order to stack the political landscape in their favor and the new coalition that wants a return to normalcy, which can’t or won’t bend the rules in order to reverse the damage PiS has done to the polish democracy. This could become a grid lock for years. If I remember correctly, the polish presidents’ term lines up with the new governments’ term, so the best they can hope for is winning the next election again.
I really hope Poland and the US can bounce back from their respective wanna-be dictators. It would make me much more hopeful for western democracies and Hungary specifically.