What, now you’re telling me the fish pond not for trying out your fishing gear?
My local Cabelas has an archery range for trying out your bow. My local gun store as an indoor shooting range for trying out your gun. My local Land Rover dealership has a little off road course for trying out your truck…
What, now you’re telling me the fish pond not for trying out your fishing gear?
My local Cabelas has an archery range for trying out your bow. My local gun store as an indoor shooting range for trying out your gun. My local Land Rover dealership has a little off road course for trying out your truck…
See, this is perfectly logical!
I mean, even if they were for trying out gear, I don’t think they’d appreciate you trying to run off with their fish.
If they didn’t want people to run off with their fish, they shouldn’t call themselves Bass Pro Shops.
Hey, it ain’t no “Bass Pro Charity!”