Plastic. Its in your blood ffs
Social media. It wasn’t until very recently that people started to realize just how harmful it actually is.
Social Media
Microplastics and plastic related byproducts, like phtalates (which are connected with a decreased fertility in mammals)
I’m positive that the long term effects of these substances, that can be found in every link of the food chain nowadays, will be discussed a lot in the futureProbably brake pads. Everyone’s living in cities now, just breathing in brake pad and lead particles.
Oh and car tires. Just huffing those all day.
Microplastics and PFAS
No, seriously, these two will kill Earth, and us
Marketing. We put a person on the moon because we were scared of the space race, and then we spent the next 50 years figuring out how to make rich people richer by manipulating human behavior and gamifying everything so you buy into the buy more stuff you don’t need and click more stuff you don’t care about. We’ve gotten so good at it, we only need a 10 second short to advertise stuff to you.
This affects everything we do down to its core and will likely be the cause of astronomical ADHD rates in the future.
Micro plastics. We were advertising them in facial scrubs ffs.
Plastic in general, except that we know and just keep doing it. I’m trying to use less plastic if I can but it’s frickin everywhere. If you want to buy an ear of corn it’s wrapped in plastic as if it isn’t already wrapped in nature’s protection. Seriously people.
Social Media
Fossil fuels.
Things have slowly drifted from “we might wanna consider doing something before this becomes a problem” to “we need an immediate and concrete plan” to “anything short of immediate and drastic action is killing and will continue to kill people” over the course of the last decade or two.